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First Kiss???
I was chatting online with members of my grammar school class. The subject of boyfriend/girlfriends came up.
My first kiss with a person not a sibling came near the end of my second grade year. Doris M. and I walked home from school the same way. When I didn't stay at school to play ball i walked with Doris home. She started asking me If I had ever kissed a girl. I said "Yes, I have three older sisters, they kiss on me and hug me all the time" She said "sisters don't count" Have you ever kissed a girlfriend?" I wanted to lie and say yes, to seem more worldly and mature than my almost 7 years. But told the truth cause I knew she would ask who, and i would have to tell her a name of someone we both knew. She then says "Do you want to kiss me? I have never kissed a boy and all the girls are talking about what its like, They say its really nice, but you might have a baby if you let a boy stick his tongue in your mouth" I told her Sure I'll kiss you, but no tongue cause I don't want you to get pregnant "
She tells me it has to be on the mouth or it don't count, So i manned up and stood on my tip toes and kissed her on her mouth. For almost 5 seconds, to make sure it would count. I was less than enthralled, because she was taller and my calves weren't used to tippy toeing that long. When the kiss was over, Doris says loudly "WELL SHOOT FIRE! That wouldn't Nothing A Tall! My male ego managed to survive this less than glowing review of my kissing ability.
The worst part of this was my sister Robin saw me kissing Doris from the front porch of our house a couple of blocks away. Doris was a redhead, and she started calling me Charlie Brown because we both had a little redheaded girlfriend. This nickname stuck with me till middle school.
My first "Romantic Kiss" was with Shelia in 1972 before i started middle school. Shec was new to the neighborhood, and much more experienced in the ways of love or at least making out. I'm pretty sure i rubbed her breasts out side her shirt if they were where breasts normally are, but all I could feel was her training bra. Once again my sister Robin found out and told Shelia I wasn't even in 7th grade and only 12 years old. Shelia dumped me like a plate full of leftover Taco Bell left out of the fridge. She informed me she didn't make out with anyone who wasn't at least a teenager!
Its me and my mom and Robin in the picture in December of 1966 at Deals Gap near the Tennesse North Carolina border where My profile picture was taken.
So when was everyones first kiss?
This is my first poll so be gentle!

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Stevil 8 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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My first kiss was at age 9 in 4th grade. It was just experimenting with a friend and not my first romantic relationship. First romantic kiss came in middle school.


I have absolutely no memory of who or when.


School bus, 8th grade...that’s age 14? His name was Terry, sweet guy. Someone was playing a cassette of that song ‘we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun’. We were talking and he just leaned over and kissed me. It was very sweet!

@Stevil Yes, that’s right. I even remember where the bus was. Going past the golf course. Music adds to memories, I think!


When I was in second grade, we boys thought girls were silly, and obnoxious. And we'd never dream of letting one slobber on us, for fear of catching 'cooties'. That would change, however, as we grew into adolescence.


My first kiss was at 18 from a guy that I didn't even consider an option. We both worked together and one day he kept saying something about wanting to "intimidate me". I thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it. That night as we were leaving work he walked me to my car, said something about intimidating me again, and got really close to me. He kissed me and we ended up making out for a bit until he asked if he should get in my car. I chickened out at that point and said my Mom was expecting me home, which wasn't a lie.

I had a crush on someone else. About a month or so after this happened, I rolled my car into a ditch after hitting black ice. I could only think of my crush the whole day. After I got out of the hospital, my Mom called my boss to get his number so I could "ask him to work for me". He came over a few days later to see how I was doing and we ended up kissing on my parent's couch. We've been together since and got married last year. 🙂


I was 14, my friend and I were talking to a native american guy who was a bit older. He said "you're cute" kissed me and drove away. Set the tone for my love life lol

@Stevil ha! I know he was from a northern tribe and I know he's an artist in NYC because I saw him featured on Humans Of New York last year. That's about all I know 🙂


For some reason, I got quite a few kisses from pretty wonderful boys when we were in the first grade, mostly after some clandestine hand holding behind the bushes on the playground (or in my grandparents' yard). I entered a decade long dry spell after that.

Zster Level 8 May 30, 2019

@Stevil Very true! I've had some pretty steamy hand holding in my day! Very enjoyable...


I don't remember.

Nice stories!

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