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I look forward to the day when non-believers are less preoccupied with their lack of faith than believers are with their religion.

hankster 9 June 5

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I see faith (belief without evidence according to the book of Hebrews) as a vice rather than a virtue. I eschew faith. I demand facts and evidence.

Faith.......believing without proof.
Gullible...believing without proof.
I hate the word faith. I trusted my religion with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I hate it as much or more than i ever loved it. And i loved it alot....

@Realist9 Amen. Same here.


If non-believers do not express themselves and are activists, the believers most definitely do express themselves and are activists and will do everything they can to impose their beliefs on everyone, so sitting quietly by and allowing it to happen is just not tenable, in my opinion. Of course just doing it on an Agnostic/A-theist internet sites is just preaching to the choir. Make your voice known at the voting booth on election day.

there's no point in posting it here. send them to Facebook.

@jlynn37 I'll express myself wherever I damn well please.

@hankster Appears I might have touched a nerve. You do you, I do me.

@hankster Yet you want non-believers to do it elsewhere? 🤔 Nah, bro.


Wait, are you casting aspersions at those who stand up for their ideas? Why not tell people of color to stop worrying about their safety & status? Or women to stay barefoot & pregnant? Geez louise!

if they're posting that kind of stuff on this site they're preaching to the choir.

I once asked a very religious coworker why she felt the need to go to a building, church, instead of sitting quietly at home, reading her bible, and speaking directly to her god. She said it was the fellowship...being around like minded people. Well, this page is my fellowship, since I am surrounded by bible-thumpers in my area. I don't dwell on my atheism. I really don't think about it unless I'm questioned about my beliefs. But I like having discussions about it on this page. @hankster


It does get a bit redundant after awhile.


Amen to that!


after the newness of it all wears off, and it becomes a definite life choice, that dies down a lot...hang in there...

I know. is just tedious seeing the same posts over and over. there's only so many times I can read about the religion con or how God isn't real.

@hankster Join different groups or make your own posts...this site is also about sharing same values outside of our non-religion...I enjoy the World Music and the Gardening are a valued member so speak out and about...

@thinktwice that is what I'm doing. I'm just in a griping kind of mood I guess.

@hankster You are allowed...sometimes the little things get us down the most...let it out, friend, let it out! hugs...

@hankster I get what you're saying. I think maybe we all go through it after first finding this community. I know I did. At first, the topic was high on my list. I suspect most of us "get over it," but there do seem to be some who can't let it go. And of course, there are new members going through the same thing a lot of us went through.

I also think it depends upon how much and how often someone is having religion shoved in their face. If it's happening fairly constantly, it's understandable why someone would keep posting on the topic.

@bingst You are so spot on in your observations!

@bingst i can still dream i

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