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What is everyone's opinion on the controversy of trans women being able to compete in women's sports? Do they have an unfair advantage ? Should their testosterone levels be factored in? It seems like its new territory and rules have not yet been put in place.

Kojaksmom 8 June 6

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This doesn't really answer the question but here goes. I am trying to get admitted to a local darts team. When I approached two members they said they would have to have a 'special' meeting to decide if I can go into the mens' or the womens' team. Now I completely understand that this is a new 'thing' to them but - Come on - DARTS!!! It's not as if any physical advantage is being sought here. To these darts players (I have said this to them) Get a grip! If it was something like rugby then I get it. I just want to play darts in a team and meet a few more people. Aaaargh!

That does sound a little ridiculous.


"New territory"??? Try from over 20 years ago.......

I'm not saying being trans is new territory. I'm saying that they're more integrated now, and could be more open than in the past.


I really don't worry about it .professional Sports are a nothing to me.. now , kids soccer on the other hand :is still true ! 🙂 at least so far. Lol


Just have another category for competition. Advertisers will love it because people are curious even if they are against the whole concept.


yes they do


Low testosterone in men impacts virility and stamina, so a trans woman with high testosterone levels might possibly have an unfair advantage over women competitors. Testosterone levels are easy to measure, so if a study is done with competitors of similar physiques it might be possible to determine if different testosterone levels are a factor. If it is a factor, then a threshold level could be set and only athletes that fall within that level would be allowed to compete.

I agree


The whole issue of sex and gender is only just beginning to be explored. We have started to be more open about the fact that people are not always comfortable in the body they were born with, but we need to be much more open about discussing all sorts of issues that are being raised. And we need to do it with sensitivity towards all views. Sport is clearly an area where there needs to be discussion, but there are lots of other areas too, where people need to be able to discuss their feelings and worries without immediately being accused of being prejudiced.


Oh dear. Transwomen take Oestrogen as part of their treatment. Some biological women have high levels of testosterone. Any advantage is likely to be minimal

Some bio women do have high levels and get banned. Really stupid. Just mix everyone in all competitions like some auto racing - three classes all on the track together with different results.

@josh_is_exciting why does it matter?

@Amisja normally it doesn't matter. However these are professional athletes and there's a lot of money on the line. Professional sports are their careers.

@Kojaksmom The thing is that you could pump me full of superman testosterone and I am sure some skinny 20 year old girl would beat me! The hormone itself does not give the female advantage if they do not already have talent. It is talented people who are racing. They won in the atheletic genetic lottery.

@Amisja so are you implying that the Sexes should not be separated when it comes to the Olympics? Is it fair to put men up against women when it comes to bodybuilding and powerlifting? I think if you look at Men's records and compare them to women's records you'll see that men do physically have certain capabilities over women.

@Kojaksmom There are plenty of sports were women and men compete equally and do so fairly. Its 2019.
This is an interesting article. Something you need to remember is that transwomen particularly are at risk of osteoporosis and muscle wasting, which is contrary to providing an advantage.
[] another good reference on this point.

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