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How come Japan does so many things better?

St-Sinner 9 June 6

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Because they have a respectful culture which filters throughout their society. They should be the world’s example, not Europe or N Am.


We're so far behind the curve 😟


surprised the toilet doesn't have a bidet.
when we were in germany in the early 1980s we rented an apartment (very reasonable) which included 2 toilets, one with a bidet.


For the homes with a Western toilet. Not all Japenese homes have those. While there I saw some quite clean, beautifully tiled holes, some with flushing water.


The Japanese have also use human waste (yes, that kind) for cultivating crops. So does North Korea - the difference is: in Japan it is ultra clean and in NK lots of parasites exist in the general population.



gater Level 7 June 6, 2019

Americans are so spoiled, and ungrateful for what we have.
We take everything for granted.
Then, when something like what's been going on in Flint, Michigan happens,
everyone cares for 5 minutes, and then forgets.
Kids in Flint have permanent brain damage from drinking contaminated water.
Yet, people in other places don't think twice about wasting water.
I'm tired of listening to people whine about how hard their lives are.
Move to Flint and figure it out.
Or cities in Texas and Pennsylvania, where fracking has caused the tap
water to become flammable, AS it's coming out of the tap.

If it's not them, they just don't fucking care.


It's a good, practical solution but I can hear it now, all across the land: "I am not washing my hands with toilet water. That's gross!" Americans are spoiled.

That's because too many of us are too fucking stupid to realize that it's NOT toilet water. This country is over-populated with stupid fuckers.

@KKGator That would certainly help to explain why Trump is prez.

@Sgt_Spanky Doesn't it, though?


Japan's population is extremely homogeneous. We live in a very heterogeneous society. I worked in Japan. Being the only female scientist in a large research group was unusual and strange. Japanese solutions cannot be implemented in the US, as a rule.

zesty Level 7 June 6, 2019

It might be good for the water problem and all, but it sure is awkward to stand over the toilet to wash your, many Americans are too fat to fit into the space next to it...

Things have to fit the lifestyle and needs of that country...they also have squat toilets that are way better for your health, but I am guessing those wouldn't go over great here either...again, many can't squat and get back up...

That's one of the biggest problems in this country.
Too many Americans think things need to be changed to accommodate
them, and they have no obligation to change themselves to accommodate
the world they actually live in.
If you (not "you" you) don't fit, lose some weight and stop expecting to
be accommodated.


Because in the US it is only about profit.


my cat used to flush the toilet and drink from the spout. he preferred it to his water dish.

but japan doesn't do everything better. at least when i lived there (for a decade, but decades ago) consumers would buy a product in a plastic tub, throw the tub away and then go out and buy an empty tub for storing things. when i showed my friends how i reused those cottage cheese tubs and all, they were amazed at my absolute brilliance! they also never thought of making matzaball soup or chili in a rice cooker.



They do so many things better that they have one of the highest suicide rates in the world.

Also the longest life spans. Not calling good what is good takes sinnisism

@motrubl4u yes, correct. Thank you.

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