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Is anyone else as scared as I am about global warming? I am seeing some very alarming articles recently predicting 80% annillation of the population in 31 years and irreversible path to this if not corrected in 5 years. Other articles about melting ice caps 70 years faster than originally thought and greenland losing billions of gallons of ice in a day. Efforts by scientist to block the sun in an attempt to cool the planet. Other ideas such as blocking the sun at the poles to mimic the sun's reflection of the polar ice caps which are currently melting away. Other articles about the methane gas trapped in permafrost which is melting and will release it into the atmosphere...causing an accelerated warming. My son is 2 years old. This seriously keeps me up at night and is hard for me to shake. I believe it all. The worst part is literally no one cares.

Lauraleigh39 6 June 23

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Challenging for individuals yes, but the Great Plague in Europe in C14th wiped out I believe about 60% of the population.

The result was a reconfigured and more efficient society.

Individuals are of no consequence in the grand scheme as natural forces will always prevail.

In legend King Canute found that out.

If you worry about tomorrow’s inevitable you can’t enjoy today’s elective. If you can, probably best to put aside the speculation of 31 years time and enjoy your family today.


I'm pretty ok with it. Our demise will, in the long run, be good for our planet. I mourn all the animals we'll take down with us. In a few million years evolution will do its work. It helps that my children feel the same way. They're adults and I don't worry the way you do with your little one.

Much more probable that the Venus syndrome will wipe out all of life on Earth.


Yes it's happening be responsible for yourself and your son buy local, use less, make smart decisions on purchases reuse were possible. My home is all electric I drive a plug-in hybrid and I pay a penny extra a kilowatt-hour for renewable electric power my home electronics, internet, television, cable and some inside lighting all operate off my own solar/wind installation. Of course you could be like the others and not give a s*** because it's not happening. Choose wisely 😁


Global warming scares me a lot and I think it is real. I do not believe we can "pay our way"out of it, or that Al Gore's "buy a credit to pollute" idea would do much except make certain people rich while fooling the rest of us into thinking something is being done.


This is the most far-reaching and critical issue in our lives so I'd be glad to share some personal thoughts to a fellow non-believer.

I'm 75 so I don't have to long to live anyway. It's a lot worse for teenagers.

At least I don't have to worry about heaven and hell nonsense. God's wrath is bound to fall on the corporate oligarchs that have controlled culture and caused this insatiable over-consumption of our wonderful planet.

Most of them, like Donald Trump Jr, have led really cushy lives, so they'll be losing a lot more than I will. Their gated communities and underground bunkers in the central mountains won't do them a bit of good when the aftereffects of climate change play out. With arable land deteriorated, forest fires, few animals except for rats and roaches -- what would be the sense of staying alive?

They'll suffer a lot more than I will because my life is and has been pretty austere anyway, living paycheck to paycheck.

As a retired biology teacher I feel especially sorry for the animals. They were the truly innocent and Christ-like. What an irony! A wild boar in the Congo Jungle has more in common with Jesus than the super rich corporate Machiavellian schemers and manipulators. In my book I recount the death of a baby elephant in Tanzania, forced to migrate at a two months – after two years in the womb – because of human encroachment.

(This is the most important issue in our lives. I could go on and on but rather not in deference to your time and space. My book, Saving Gaia, gives some insight why this horror is happening and what needs to be done. It's all a matter of brain-washing and mind control. God bless George Orwell who warned us about it (Ingsoc, rule by tyrannical oligarchs) 70 years ago.



Where are you getting your information?

I would like to know as well. I’m totally on board with global warming concerns
But ‘billions of gallons a day’?
That seems a bit exaggerated

‘No one cares’?
That’s an exaggeration as well

I’d be interested in seeing the articles you’re reading. They may be extremist posting false information to help
Push along an agenda.

Again, I’m on board with making drastic changes to fix the problems we have created but being ‘chicken little’ is t going to help.

Please post your sources I’d like to read up.
I’ve searched the statistics you’ve posted and didn’t get any hits.


A large number of people worrying themselves sick about an imaginary danger; it is mind boggling! Also out of my control, so I will just enjoy life the best I can.


It doesn’t keep me awake at night but it does bother me. I try to do what I can as an individual but until corporations and countries make changes global warming will continue.


I do worry about our scion. It's not getting any better with the $$ and greeders. Though I do care, but am insignificant in the power structure. It's serious. It's happening right before our very eyes. Oh woe is us.


My son is 12 and I too worry about it. I've told him that if I were him I'd consider not having any children. The way I see it is the majority of age group 50+ are either in denial or don't see it as their problem.


Not scared , concerned slightly. If the climate continues to change as predicted by the models people will act. It will take something catastrophic and obvious to all. What form that will take I do not know. Rest assured however that the owners of the world will blow us all to shit before they change their lifestyle.
Then we will be dead. No need to worry or be scared. Be optimistic😊


If I had kids I'd be worried. As it is, the worse will probably happen when I'm gone.

Gareth Level 7 June 23, 2019

@Allamanda As opposed to bringing children into an already overcrowded planet? Maybe it's a matter of viewpoint.

@Allamanda Well, I assume you had a choice and knew the likely consequences, yes. I also assumed that you didn't adopt your kids. But thanks for your condemnation anyway; it must be nice to have such a talent in judgement.

@Allamanda Yours or mine?


Oh we are all going to burn up! Feeling cynical tonight. I'm in good company.


I share your concern..i feel we have crossed the point of no return and should be trying to figure out where and how we as human beings are going to survive in a sustainable present i live in the florida keys and have seen in the short time I've lived here a rise in average sea level, its happening and people are oblivious to what is going on around them...kind of like the frog in the pot of water on a stove.....i am looking to move ,any sane person should.
when we have a minimally educated populace coupled with a minimally educated president and a cadre of enabling grifters, we have a perfect storm of what could be labeled environmental suicide.
there are practical responses to the crisis, but at present there is no political will to respond.......we, the sane ones(!!) need to vote as if our life depends on it...because it does
there,..... I've vented!....
your thoughts?

i can only say I Agree!!!!


Of course we are going through a sixth great extinction phase 😟


Supporting evidence


No I don’t lose sleep over it
Most things we are doing won’t make much of a difference. Without a very aggressive stance things are going to get very bad, although the timeline you’ve suggested is not one I’ve read about.

The vision into changes are too short sited in my opinion. Metal drinking straws? Banning plastic bags? Reducing emissions?
That’s all just child play.
We need to stop human reproduction and stop all fuel powered motor vehicles to even begin making a dent.

So, we will have to learn to adjust and hopefully tech knowledge will save the human race.
But no I’m not going to lose sleep over it.
If we die we die.


Global warming is pseudo-scientific nonsense. There is good reason to be concerned about global cooling due to lack of sunspot activity. But the extra CO2 in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels aids agriculture, and should help us survive the cold decades ahead. [].

Get some sleep. The primary danger to humanity remains nuclear war, and we've been living with that for my entire long life. Climate change of whatever kind we will survive.


The same people who want us to take drastic measures to stop global warming also favor increased immigration and oppose nuclear power which has zero carbon emissions which doesn’t make any sense as the number one cause of co2 emissions is to many people. If we are so concerned about co2 causing global warming why in the hell did we stop building nuclear power plants? Also why do we still allow so much immigration?

You ever hear of a place called the Rust Belt. Take a look at what happens to a plant/factory after it has closed. Just sits there. The good corporate people that ran the place went to Indonesia and keep going with the $$ operations. That's what will happen with Nuclear Waste which has to be looked after for almost an eternity (in a human time frame) Diggy, diggy, diggy, diggy, diggy.

@Allamanda,@backwardsman, @Croebheir Japan and Hungary both have zero population growth and seem to be doing just fine. Problems with nuclear power have been few and far between so it is definitely a viable power option. You liberal’s and your looney ideas are the ones driving this planet to extinction.

@Trajan61 Long term care for Nuke waste. That's dangerous. You are whack.

@Croebheir You are definitely wacko.


We live within an era control by those, the wealthy and their corporations who feel profit and control over us is more important than the environment!

They feel throwing money at any issue or event can solve all those problems!

When you remove the genie from the bottle, how do you reinsert a bloated swollen mass that has out grown and is multiplying faster than space that incrusted it in the first place?

You can not!

It may be that the reason we haven’t encountered other intelligent life (aside from the deep space and time problem) is that life forms that evolve are so aggressive that they end up using all of the natural resources of their planet and end up killing all life there.

Sorry to tell you this, but we are still apes although we have turned into a runaway species on this planet. We will probably eventually make the commons unlivable and force our planet into the Venus syndrome killing all life here.

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