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Putting this under politics since "climate change" is such a political topic. Here's an article about a book that provides what I think is a more realistic perspective regarding "overpopulation" and climate change fears. I haven't read the book, but the article is interesting:


IAMGROOT 7 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I haven't read the book either but I find the title a bit confusing "the link between overpopulation and climate change". The countries which are fueling the population boom have the lowest carbon footprint in thw world whilst the countries in the west plus China and Japan which are contributing mostly to climate change have a population growth of less than replacement level..


Overpopulation is still a looming problem. Especially when considered in the context of a failure to act on climate change.

bingst Level 8 June 26, 2019

It's interesting in that it's dismissing so much evidence to the contrary.

I'm all for reassuring folks - but unlike hunger - I don't see us solving for weather that's gone out of control. Maybe I'm just a pessimist.

maybe you just don't know what's really going on. weather is not the same as climate. weather is local over short periods of time. climate is longer term & has been changing since our planet existed.

@callmedubious I'm fully aware.

We haven't documented either climate or weather for long enough periods to absolutely know what happens over long periods of time (Several thousand years). Science does have some really good estimates of what's coming through.

The increase in severe weather is a symptom of climate change. Increased heat and cold - brews much stronger weather patterns.

Frankly the old sci fi film that used to be laughable "The Day After Tomorrow" looks more like predictive story telling as the winters grow worse and the summers more severe.

I can tell you from the time of my childhood we had one Tornado in this area - now we have multiple touch downs in a summer. That's a rapid change climatologically speaking.

We also just had the wettest Spring on record - ever.

These things are all predictive. And I refuse to discount them. Particularly when scientists are saying "There's trouble here and if we change what we're doing now - we might be able to change it". Why not change to safer forms of energy now? And don't get me started on industry. They knew what they should be doing decades ago.

Here's some facts from NASA: []


This is utter nonsense. Those Computer models predicted ALL of the current climate issues we are having now 15 years ago. I remember reading scientific american articles about this in 1992. Just keep plugging your ears and closing your eyes while the damn world burns around you. That'll totally solve the problem.

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