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Legal expert argues that the Dept. of Justice just asked the Supreme Court to essentially become a branch of the Trump administration? - WTF!!!!! What's up with that?!?!

sassygirl3869 9 June 26

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ESSENTIALLY become a bra..... mwaha.. MWahhaha.. MWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... 😆... It's alternet for crying out loud.. Putting any credence in a site that can't get through the first paragraph without grammatical errors on an attempt at a political spin is so typical... pfffft.... 😂 Too damn funny...


ll gov't services should support our king and glorious leader. Is that not what a democracy is about?


Part of the Trump/Republican final solution. Own the Presidency, the Judiciary and the Senate, you own the country. The House is practically powerless at that point.

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