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How do you respond when somebody you have never met in person and only exchanged a sentence or two with online suddenly tells you they are "honest?"

Deb57 8 July 1

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I put my mistrust hat on.


Honestly? You're honest?


the saying 'take it with a pinch of salt' comes to mind


Too much trust is seldom rewarded.


Run away!!!!!!!!


never trust somebody who says they can be trusted without being asked!!! never trust somebody who says they can be trusted. never trust somebody who says you can trust them.
never trust anybody unless you know they are trustworthy.
an honest person does not have to brag about being trustworthy.


anyone who says..'to be honest' could never be trusted.


It depends what they say in that one sentence.


They are dishonest. Claiming of honesty is dishonesty. (আপনারে ভালো বলে ভালো সেই নয় ৷ লোকে যারে ভালো বলে ভালো সেই হয় ৷) (AAPONARAE BHAALO BOLAE BHAALO SEI NOY . LOKAE JAARAE BHAALO BAOLE BHAALO SEI HOY)This is a bengali proverb which means if says he is honest , then heor she is not honest . Whom the people says honest then he or she would be the honest.


Need more info:
What is the context?
What is the interaction?
Honest about what?


"That's nice.".....blandly, of course.


I can be honest. Tell me what i have to say/write to make you feel good.


like this: prove it!


i wait to see

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