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Horns of a dilemma. Last night my date and I went to dinner at a Doctors friend of mine. We were beginning to be seated at his table when I observed his cats milling around on top of his prep island and around his stove where food was being prepared. Now , I am an animal lover like no one else, BUT I am somewhat uncomfortable about animals being around the food I eat or around the prep area. My date gave me "that look" and I didnt have a reply. So, whats does etiquette call for in this situation?

JayJackson 7 Mar 14

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I have so many pets, many of them rescues but they are not allowed in some areas like food prep and on my desk. I'm still the boss at my house, at least most the time.


My dad would have spazzed.


Humans have had cats around food prep areas for literally centuries. Unless you're immunocompromised, there's nothing to worry about.


I would have made a joke "Are the cats also eating with us"?. Love my cat Zeus but the counter is off limits

haha, also have a cat called Zeus, and 2 friends have canine versions.

He's solid grey-green eyes


Ask them who is the boss? If they say the cats, they could have that cat parasite, toxoplasma, that infects and alters humans' brains: []


Cats on counters do not bother me, although I understand everyone's reasons. I have never had an illness from cats on the counters, although now and then I might find a little orange hair. LOL


I totally hear you ! I adore my cats - but kitchen counters , and eating areas are off limits ( at least while I'm able to catch them ...).

In a similar circumstance, I brought up a true story of a cat who was badly burned on a stove ... it worked ! In this instance, I suppose I would eat - assuming the cats are healthy and cared for - but that would be the last time ...


Cats on counters do not bother me. I have never suffered a foood-related illness from their being there.

I cannot stop my cats from jumping up there, but they only dare do it if I’m nowhere to be seen; and they’d think it was the apocalypse if they ever did it while I was cooking.


Leave and don't accept an offer to eat there again. Go to a restaurant next time.

Ate the meal, enjoyed the company, administered ABTs myself and got on with life.

I repaired refrigeration systems in restaurants, a cat on the food prep table is mild to what I've seen on prep tables in restaurants.


I'm not squeamish about that sort of thing, but if I were I'd probably have said something like, "Uh-oh! Your cat is up on the counter near the food!" as though I were calling it to my host's attention. That way it wouldn't be accusatory, but it would still drive home that it's something I find unsanitary or otherwise problematic.

Yes sir, did something of that nature and it didnt make an impact. So, we will meet out in the future.


be honest, maybe they need to learn this lesson ,even though late in life.

EMC2 Level 8 Mar 14, 2018

I am not sure what you are referring to when you use the word, "lesson". What lesson?

@JayJackson That one in a human kitchen do not let pets inhabit the counter top space. They do have stuff on them we may not wish to eat


I'd have come up with a reason to leave.

Never crossed my mind to leave. Just one of lifes little lessons i guess. Good thing that I can write my own scripts for any meds, should the need arise.

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