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I predict Donald Trump will win if Kamala Harris is the nominee. First reparations and now a program to help black people buy homes. These ideas arent about All Americans. I just see this as tribal politics. Terrible strategy in my opinion for a woman who seems so smart.

Bigwavedave 8 July 7

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Dave, are you sure???? I think Kamala could kick his ass !!!

@maturin1919 That would be a travesty. Another 4 years of this lying scumbag.


Politicians of either party can promise what they want. But they still need to get it past the Congress, and maybe even the Supreme Court. Most Americans are so embarrassed at having a babbling, deranged, ignoranus as their President, they will vote for whoever the Democrats pick to run! I'd vote for somebody's dog, if that were the chosen candidate! ABT! Anyone But Trump!

@davknight the dems seem disorganized. I would prefer they run against Trump than each other.


Trump fatigue alone will drive folks to the polls to get him out. There isn't a Dem running whose policies scare me. There are some Dems running who will not be able to handle Trumps full frontal assault once we have a nominee. She is not one of those people. I like her.

@sticks48 I like her too. Just don't think tribal policies will help her.

@Bigwavedave All politics is tribal.

@Sticks48 the dems have a lot of tribes... they need to appeal to more universal goals. Ie not black poverty but income inequality.

@Bigwavedave That is part of black equality. If they don't get the black vote they can't win.


It's not yet time for a woman president...nor a person of color.

We underestimated the racism and sexism in America.

We can't do that again.

Even Pete will be dragged through the coals if he's nominated, or even runs for VP.

Nope...sorry; it's either Biden or Bernie - with a VP of either O'Rourke, or - of the women running...Warren or Klobuchar.

I'm hoping for Bernie...but centrist Biden will do a much better job than DJT ever did.


@robecology. I'm not sure Kamala is a great debater....I think the country can elect a woman , a black woman , a gay.....but they have to have a unifying strategy. We can't be dividing the liberal vote.

@altschmerz Let's put it this way; you must know by now that a fundamental foundation of Christianity - in fact most, if not all world religions - is male dominance.

The fact that a strong woman might run America scared too many of the #Religulous.

I could be wrong, of course; that's just my gut feelings.

I did research on the issue, and came up with a Conservative paper's POV...which supports yours...


So just like white men got to decide when it was time for the wimmens and the colored to vote and their own property?

Aren't you a special flavor of musk vanilla?


Calling names? I wouldn't do that to you...

But that's how folk who have nothing to debate with roll....

I'm a feminist...and have been since the 1970's. I threw all my support and a lot of $$ to Hillary.

But the truth hit me in the face on Nov 3, 2016;

America is still #religulous. Still machismo dominant. Still sexist. Still misogynist.

If we don't fight fire with fire we're in for another 4 years of DJT.

Apparently that realty hasn't hit you yet.

@Robecology You are deciding we are not worthy of your vote I will call you what I please.


No, you racist fool, a program to by help Poor people buy homes.

@annewimsey. Hardly...


Unfortunately "all Americans" have not benefited equally and some laws and structures were put in place to deny others upward mobility. It's simply the time to pay back from the injustice that was allowed/ignored for far too long. Today, even those who were not affected by the laws and structures put in place are suffering but that should not dismiss compensation for the wrong done. That's another situation.

People think it is just slavery to be atoned for.

So many more recent racism from red-lining to Betsy calling the cops on a BBQ.

@BufftonBeotch so true, originally their were reparations, Forty acres and a mule, was given right after the Civil war but Andrew Johnson over turned that and we've been trying to make amends since then but don't seem to be able to.


This sounds like a white privilege perspective to me. I'm not sure this was your intent. From your bio you express concerns about troubling social trends that negatively impact marginalized groups. But your post reflects a whites only perspective.

Kamala realizes that minorities are becoming a large voting block, and that Trump is spurring the dialogue around racial discrimenation as it hasnt been since 1964. She is betting that monorities, women , and the under 30 vote will be the tipping point in at last overtaking the white vote. Its early in the race, and she realizes that galvanizing her contigency will pay off down the road.

Don't mistake my point. I'm not saying she is a shoe-in to win. And Im not saying that the contigency she is attempting to appeal too will ultimarely be successful in overtaking and reversing traditional white male dominance in politics in this next election. But she/they might be. She is part of a growing ground swell. It may not realize itself in 2020 fully, but it is a force to be reckoned with in the future.

Those centrists and racists aren't coming back. The time to try and get their votes needs to be buried in the past it is.

@t1nick.... ok well perhaps. In my mind if we focus on income inequality and put together a plan to address that it is more focused on everyone rather than a tribe. One of Baracks strengths is he always appealed to everyone . I still think that is a better strategy . But a appreciate your comment!

@BufftonBeotch I agree . But if we break down into tribes we lose. We can accomplish fixing lots of things collectively. Just my opinion.

@Bigwavedave I agree with focusing on an income inequality foci. But in order to address that issue with any chance of success, marginalized communities need to be mobilized, as they are grossly underrepresented in the poles. Galvanize them and get them energized to show up and you stand a chance at addressing the disparity.

I agree with your assessment of Obama. Unfortunately he went out of his way to appear not to address race related issues until Ferguson. After that he couldnt. The detractors that accuse him of being racist are idiots and have no concept of context or social awareness. Most are defendants of the ststus quo and white privilege.

@Bigwavedave The trend - not just here in this country but overseas as well - is definitely towards tribalism. I hear it in the conversations of everyday people - who would vehemently deny being "tribal"....don't know how/why we managed to get turned in this direction. ??? Maybe human beings are just hard wired that way? 😟

I think things go in cycles. Hopefully we will overcome this cycle relatively soon

@Lavergne hey I just got called a rascist. ...amazing ...

@Bigwavedave Dave

I hope you arent thinking that I meant to call you racist? I wasn't.

@Bigwavedave I get called all sorts of things. hehehe 😉 I can't shake the feeling that trump will steal the next election just as he did the first time....gerrymandering and massive amounts of misinformation. The people who vote for him are not prone to fact checking anything....they believe every stupid thing that comes out of his mouth. 😟 😟 Wouldn't be surprised if he wins the electoral votes and loses the popular vote by an even larger margin than Hillary had. aaccckkkkkkkkk

I hold the same apprehensions.


You need to nominate someone who is good and most important win !!! remember last election we got divided and asshole won you want 4 more years

bobwjr Level 10 July 7, 2019

@bobwjr I understand. Just offering my opinion on what I see as a poor strategy.

@Bigwavedave I understand and appreciate your opinion.


We can not win by thinking we can nominate another old white man and thinking we can get the racist whites in Ohio back.

We need to nominate someone to get the youth excited.

@buftonbeach I agree... I'm just not sure who that is right now. What do you think.

Ummm, us older folks actually go to the polling places & vote! And Bernie has had, for decades, all the ideas these "young folks" are now using.... easily seen on Youtube). Why go with plagarizers when you can have the original inventor?

@AnneWimsey Lets go with what lost already. woot.

You need to nominate someone who can beat trump or risk repeat of last election

@bobwjr That is not Biden. He does not have it to give the woman a dignity to look her in the eye.

What in the actual fu_k was that?

Go with Strom.

@BufftonBeotch didn't say Biden can be Burnie post was if we squabble amongst ourselves trump will win we have a long difficult road ahead. Take head out of sand literally anyone is better than trump but their organization is well financed and will use any dirty trick they can look at Kerry entire swiftboat was a lie but they used it to bury him will be more intense and dirty this time because trump is such a piece of shit

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