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We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.

Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

Psmintexas 6 July 12

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I‘d rather see it the other way. It's all about how one can pass a bulky information across a timeframe of 3000 years of human history to reach today's human in majority as the information are critical to humans,
The major dificulties are, first there are supernatural contents because it is a recording of a God‘s activities. In comparison, human history is about the recording of human activities which we can comprehend. The chanllenge is thus will secular human be able to bring forward a book with supernatural contents across a timeframe of 3000 years?
The second challenge is how to keep the theological contents of this book intact, with the most difficult part of bringing the theological contents from before the invention of paper till after.

Can the above be achieved without employing a religion? Which religions are suspect of doing so and sucessfully.


Yeah heard that like 10 times now.


My journey into disbelief has been, until the last few years, a solitary path. Rejected ALL beliefs and weighed them carefully before letting the chosen few back inside. I was determined to not let anyone do my thinking for me. I'm finally at a place to appreciate some atheist philosophers, just downloaded the god delusion, looking forward to a good read.


I have that in audiobook...can't wait to light it up! 😀

pau11y Level 3 July 12, 2019

I'm an atheist about ALL god-entities but not necessarily the concept of 'god.' That makes me an agnostic. Unlike you, I don't believe IN anything.

I agree.


I like that.


Mount Fuji has been painted many times but none of those paintings are real. Even if I made my own painting it would be only an artistic expression—just a symbol.

I don’t “believe” any of those paintings. Belief or disbelief are not appropriate.


Yep. All gods are mythical. 🙂

Richard Dawkins, however, is real. His books are very much worth reading.


Yes, I haven't thought of it this way but it is so true. thanks for the reminder


An earth shaking book


Never thought about it that way, but this is absolutely true. Thank you for sharing this.

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