NASA Chief fired by Trump and his administration. Frustrated by slowness of moon landings? WTF!!!!
Okay, this is just more stupid thinking and behavior by this group of clowns. If I was an astronaut I'd refuse to fly, I do not see things going well for this program.
That said, get trump out of the WH in 2020 and all his incompetent people will be replaced.
Please vote democrat no matter who is running!! Seriously it could not be much worse than what we have now.
I thought they had already been there. About 50 years ago or something. If the project for further exploration was ditched I am sure there was a very good reason. I guess Russia and China are the big players there now so we will hear nothing about what is going on there in real life.
Never mind, The Trump Project will let us know when they get there that the quality of cheese is not as high as that found in Kansas or New Hampshire. A bit hard, an almost rock like texture.
I can understand his point. I mean, in Trump World you get the number 23 bus and change to the number 15 at the Cemetery Gates.
What’s so hard in that!
tRump is trying to be JFK. He wants a legacy. His fixation on having a "Space Force." He and Pence think NASA can simply shit a moon mission says they don't understand the complexity. It's not simply a matter of making a landing and planting a flag. It's making it a permanent location.
The most obvious scenario is that NASA will be forced to hurry and cut corners to meet the 2024 deadline and a disaster will happen. Astronauts will be killed and Trump will blame it on NASA incompetence.
Maybe he fancies some green moon cheese for his supper?