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The Jews getting arrested at ICE centers are just getting started. If you think they deserve kudos for demonstrating then you are cordially invited to join Jewish by Culture.

sassygirl3869 9 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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In this case, the Jewish community has an obligation to protest against the tRump concentration camps. They know better than most the consequences of what tRump is doing. I support them wholeheartedly 🙏🙏✊


Awesome group with courage

bobwjr Level 10 July 15, 2019

Progressive Jewish millennials demonstrating at ICE detention concentration-camp centers is exactly the protest and publicity needed to bring loads of attention (and hopefully positive action) against despicable imprisoning of children and their parents.


Try googling NeverAgain for group info.


When & where are the next demonstrations, and/or where can I find them. I feel So strongly about this whole thing......

Try Never Again -they demonstrated at an ICE center in Providence, RI -saw you live in CT

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