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Happy to see that many of my sons 15 year old friends are coming out of the fog!!!! They admit they go to church/temple etc to make their parents happy but they know it’s nonsense, they don’t believe and once they hit 18 they won’t be going back!!! It wasn’t easy raising my son as Non anything.. because his friends were in ccd or Hebrew school but I told him from the beginning... you need to find your own path. If you find religion you will need to explain it to me. You will need to back up your reasons... etc. Happy to say my son has become a wonderfully bright, inquisitive and rational thinker. His answer to religion is Prove It! Thankfully his generation seems to have a lot of the following suit. The fog is lifting!!!

WonderWilla 4 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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My 15 yr. told me that he gets the usual crap. "If you don't believe in God, then you believe in the Devil!"
He's waaaaay past that. He understands that religion will always only give you 2 choices. The Natural World, our minds and Life itself gives you hundreds.

twill Level 7 July 18, 2019

Some kids can be pretty amazing with their thirst for knowledge. It sounds like you did a good job of “unfolding” your son, rather than you trying to mold him. I hope the fog stays lifted for the young folks

CS60 Level 7 July 16, 2019
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