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Anyone been watching the Tour de France...?

(It's worth it for the scenery as much as the sport!)

Jnei 8 July 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll watch if it happens to be on. I love the scenery too, including the crazies that line route sometimes in spectacular costume cheering on the riders.



bobwjr Level 10 July 17, 2019

I haven’t been watching it, but I have many times in previous years. The scenery is amazing....I love France...especially around the Pyrenees and the Alps. The Loire Valley and the Dordogne too.


I don’t have a tv now but that’s exactly why I liked watching it.


Sorry, the repeated drug scandals put me off.

There haven't been any for a few years now.

@Jnei but there's still part of me that can't help thinking "you just haven't been caught yet...". I mean, it was just so rampant for so long.


To me it's akin to watching 2 people play catch, so no. Hope you're enjoying it, though.

1of5 Level 8 July 17, 2019

No… I can still envision the horrendous bike wrecks I’d witnessed as a kid while watching such racers on a local oval track. With their feet bound to the pedals, where handlers had to lead them to the starting line.. And wearing short pants! I couldn’t enjoy the scenery with that going on 😀

With that, I recently spoke with a young cashier who’d mentioned spending time in France. ‘It must have been beautiful,’ ‘I’ve always wanted to experience it,’ said I. She responded, “It was ok,” “but I missed trees.” She followed up, “To be right here,” “looking at this,” (a gorgeous stand of lush hardwoods along a small river) “and the warmth”... “I’m so glad to be home.” That warmed me from within.. In my new home on Virginia’s blue ridge plateau.

Varn Level 8 July 17, 2019

That, unfortunately, is part and parcel of cycling - it's a very hard, dangerous and cruel sport.

@Jnei’s also the competition aspect, for me.. someone has to prove they’re ..better or more reckless than another? Sports remind me of the Romans filling arenas with bloody events to entertain the masses. I’ve ridden, not so much lately on these hills and blind mountain turns, but to compete, why?

@Varn It's just one of those things that makes us human, I suppose. Who's the fastest, the strongest, the cleverest, who has the greatest endurance and the best team? Recklessness certainly wouldn't pay off; riders who are declared to be a danger to themselves or others will very rapidly be made to feel unwelcome by other riders and removed from the race by officials, and the most obvious difference to a gladiatorial contest is the Tour has a team of medical professionals, ambulances and helicopters ready to assist in an emergency.

@Jnei Watched a father obsessed by sports my entire life, he still is. Active, and encouraging the same of us (his sons), I came to realize it’s best you compete with yourself, and have. So to watch the varied events I had (nearly been forced to) as a youth, today ..I most often shake my head sideways..

The fact that “a team of medical professionals, ambulances and helicopters ready to assist in an emergency” is standing by for adult men in their prime may say it all. Apparently, I lack that mainstream blood-lust 😉

@Varn In that case, I'm surprised a race such as the Tour doesn't appeal more to you - riding 3500km over 21 days is a huge achievement and definitely counts as competing against oneself! That's partly why the Lanterne Rouge, the last rider to finish, is lauded as a hero and can make more money from sponsorship deals than the winner. 🙂

France is a big country and I’ve seen plenty of trees there...what a strange remark for that young cashier to make...there are forests and woods all over the country..and it’s warm too, just had record breaking temperatures of over 40C. Some people talk such rubbish about other countries.

@Jnei ..ok me interested there 😉 Still stuck on that bloody oval track described above.. Though sadly, when I think of ‘The Tour,’ I instantly recall the blood transfusions of that guy near my age ..that still make me queasy … then prostate cancer… Least I’m laughing though, and can’t even… lance ‘armstrong’ - guess I can remember his name 🙂

Enjoy, then ~ Though, I just got back from a cool motorcycle run to our nearest Appalachian city (Roanoke) and back without getting soaked, or killed on our blue ridge parkway … though I did dodge several ..cyclists. But as mentioned above, the scenery was ..heavenly

@Marionville She was sincere, intelligent, and local ...rare. Said it was flat & treeless, with a bit more flair.. Her sincerity took me, that’s why I took it to heart. Nothing flippant in her statement, she was respectful and contemplative… Wished I were forty years younger ~

@Varn She must have been in the bit in the middle which is quite uninteresting and flat, but there are many other parts that are hilly and forested...and very picturesque and beautiful....The Pyrenees where a lot of the Tour de France route covers, is mountainous with hairpin bends and spectacular scenery...with lots of trees. The Alps, The Dordogne, Vosges Mountains, Loire valley, Rhône Valley, Brittany coast and the French Riviera are all world class beauty spots. She sounds like she was a bit of a beauty herself! 😁


do you know whether they changed the colour of the winning jersey?

The four winning jerseys remain the same - yellow for the General Classification winner, red-on-white polka dots for the King of the Mountains, green for the Points winner and white for the best young rider.

@Jnei I was just wondering whether the yellow would be replaced because of the current political upheaval.

@PontifexMarximus I don't think the ASO (which organises the race) would worry too much about that - in France, le Tour is bigger than politics!

@Jnei They made a statement

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