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There's all kinds of ways to love...

BeeHappy 9 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I read the Kama Sutra to discover more ways!

Petter Level 9 July 19, 2019

Practice it too!

@zesty Flexibility is a challenge these days!! 😜👺👿

@Petter Sure. I tried most positions in Kama Sutra, in my view, the majority of the positions are non practical.

@zesty ... and not very satisfying. I too tested them out. Shame we never coincided!!


My attitude is this "Early on learn about their past to see if they are compatible and a risk worth taking in investing myself in a relationship with them. After gathering enough data to decide that I'm all in, then learn about their past to understand how they need to be loved". Ronnie Raygun, who I despised but at least had this right, said, " Trust, but verify"..



bobwjr Level 10 July 18, 2019


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