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It always fascinates me how religious bigots are easily offended by any criticism levelled at their Creation story, but the never hesitate to ridicule the defenders of evolution.

The Other Side of the Coyne: A Review of "Why Evolution is True" by Douglas Wilson
A review of Jerry A. Coyne's patronizing evolutionary screed. Features hilariously apt metaphors as it deconstructs presuppositions about creationism and science.

PontifexMarximus 8 July 28

Enjoy being online again!

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The reason you can't change peoples minds once they believe something. Once you believe a lie. For you to come to a realization that your beliefs are false would bring into question every belief you have had since. Most people's egos can't handle that much self doubt when its easier for you to just say I'm right and everyone else is wrong.

I understand that … but many followers of religions make the claim that they are better people … yet their tolerance levels are frequently very low.


Ernst Haeckel's chart comparing embryos


Tao Te Ching says that knowing that you do not know is the best and that not knowing that you do not know is an illness. It also says that those who talk do not know and those who know do not talk.

So following Tao Te Ching's own logic he didn't know otherwise he would have remained silent.

@PontifexMarximus No. He was asked to write a book and didn’t just blabber it out. The story goes that a man observe him and asked him Lao Tzu to write a book about the art of living so he wrote it

@abyers1970 You: "Tao Te Ching says"

Allen watts great philosopher who based his teachings over this concept. Probably stole a lot of his ideas off Tao te ching

From my father's book: I do not know is the beginning of knowledge. It is like an empty cup waiting to filled with treasures. Whereas the other cup is filled, overflowing, with so much worthless trash that there is no longer any room for anything of value.


It fascinates me how the various flavors of atheism on this site, and in real life, always includes pompous windbags just like the author you mention. Some have their own books or websites or youtube channels in such, to boot.

I like flavours of atheism


What fascinates me is that those making the most noise in promoting evolution think that evolution is a simple and easily understood process of mutation and natural selection as was taught in schools.

Undoubtedly life-forms have evolved, but the process is by no means fully understood.

Interesting claim: those making the most noise in promoting evolution think that evolution is a simple and easily understood process of mutation Do you have any statistics?

@PontifexMarximus So far as I know no scientifically designed survey has been made. However anyone can look at a myriad of online articles and see what I am talking about.

Commonly evolution is only a cover for promoting a personal philosophy of materialism. Anyway very many people get it wrong.


@WilliamFleming and what is the goal of peddling the creation myth?

@PontifexMarximus Same thing. Both are bogus.

@WilliamFleming ok


Thanks for the info.

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