So I was sitting in traffic during the afternoon commute today when I saw part of a billboard up ahead. It was practically glowing in the waning sunlight. I read "JESUS CAN FREE YOU..." and the rest was blocked from my view by a truck.
I thought, "Free me from what?? The weight of my soul crushing debt? The monotony of a 9-5 office job? What is it?! I must know what Jesus can save me from this time!"
Slowly, the traffic crept forward and I could see more and more of the sign. After what felt like an eternity, I finally saw the whole thing.
Well that was disappointing. Some of us quite enjoy living in sin. I certainly don't feel the need to be freed from it. But it seems, even here in mostly liberal, progressive Massachusetts, I can never be truly free of having religion crammed down my throat.
Happy Friday, y'all!
Is it just me or are we seeing more of a these signs in the Northeast?
This is is the only one I've seen lately
@WickedNicki well then it must be spreading. In the Albany NY area we've had a few. Though the ones that are not on the main highway have been quickly and hilariously vandalized.
Maybe you didn't see the whole sign. It probably said: :JESUS CAN SAVE YOU FROM SINGLES CRUISES!