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I have been long time curious over the use of depleted uranium by Americans in their recent wars. Can America deny that it did not know the long term effect of the action?
Having just listened to the podcast contained in the following article it becomes evident that the US Government not only knew of the effect but have willfully allowed disasters within America to go unchecked in order to observe the effect - in this case on members of the Navajo People who have not only been exposed for 40 years of contamination but many have died. No doubt many will say but "they are only American First Nations People".

I have long stated that no mining entity whether fracking, oil extraction, mineral extraction or waste storage should occur unless the commercial entities undertaking the extractive process be required to lodge with central government a billion dollar security bond to pay for compensation and rectification of disaster.

Given that a 2 billion dollar award was recently made in the Monsanto Roundup case I am now wondering if my billion is far too low.

Uranium Mining Disaster – Church Rock Uranium Tailings Pond Breach – 40th Anniversary SPECIAL, Pt. 2: Navajo Nation Elders & Activists Speak Out on Cancers, Contamination, Slow-Motion EPA Clean-up – NH #423


Having seen how partisan Americans are in their politics and their belief in their Presidents I looked up who the presidents in office probably since the commencement of uranium mining and include the list in the attached photo.

FrayedBear 9 Aug 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Money talks. We have government by big corporate, no doubt they knew, just like tobacco and leaded gas. All collateral damage and probably factored in when making decisions.

Government for the people by the people?

@FrayedBear You're so funny 🙂.


Australia has been mining uranium since 1953. And is currently the World's third largest producer. Canada is the first largest.

Australia also was used for testing nuclear devices between 1952 and 1957.


I worked for a British private company some time ago and we had a DU penetrator rod to look at. It was cased up and not for handling by us due to contamination risk on our health. We had some pretty heavy duty protective gear too!


"Can America deny that it did not know the long term effect of the action?"
If they can put together a team of nuclear physicists and build a bomb that destroys cities en masse, you can be damn sure they know what they are doing when they spread depleted uranium into populations.
The US has been filling the shoes of the Nazis since World War II.

They certainly gave a few succour after WWII.


A wonderful 'spin' word is "depleted". It implies all the radioactive uranium has been extracted, instead of merely creamed off, rather like semi-skimmed milk versus full fat milk.

Thanks @Petter semi-skimmed or full it still creates an awful lot of deformities and the effect will longer than you and I. I'm pleased to see others can now read it.

My brief review of this indicated depleted uranium is less radioactive than naturally occuring uranium. But could be harmful to living organisms with long term exposure. Why does "Murica" use it in AP rounds for that 30mm gatling cannon in the Warthog? Cheaper than tungsten. Do we care about the long term effects on people? Hey, they're "the enemy" so, F*CK THEM.

@bigpawbullets Mainly because it is much heavier than lead, so has an enhanced impact value.
Naturally found Uranium has many isotopes, only some of which are radioactive. These are extracted in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY THAT CREAM IS SEPARATED FROM MILK, by using a centrifuge.

Heavier than lead. But lead isn't used In armour piercing ammunition. Tungsten was the preferred sabot until depleted uranium was tried. I also noticed depleted uranium is used for armour plating on our tanks. So, we're poisoning (if so) our own tankers. We're a strange society. 😆

@bigpawbullets DP is the preferred anti-armor ammo for Tank guns too, ever since the Gulf War. Until somebody develops a more effective kind of projectile, I don't see it going away soon. And it's not in exclusive use by the US military. All armies that own Main Battle Tanks have DP ammunition available.

You're correct sir. Probably no more a health hazard than numerous other things found in the military.

@bigpawbullets strange indeed.

@davknight The UK has some DU rounds, but not many as for the UK they are very expensive unlike for the US in Gulf War I, where the government was in effect paid to use them.

@davknight, @bigpawbullets The DU armour is incased within ceramics which should protect the crew unless the armour fails. In which case, hold your breath until you are far from the vehicle.

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