Jake Tapper of CNN calls out Republican leaders for declining interviews of the deadly shootings. Could it be they are tongue tied because if they acknowledge a hate crime Trump will come after them on Twitter. No cajones huh?
It just happened yesterday... How about letting the Police do their job first finding out what happened before commenting on it? Oh wait.... you just wanted to complain about Republicans for something, and that was the best you could come up with... Gotchya..
No El Paso says its a hate crime -not me. Dayton is pending.
@sassygirl3869 Yes, I mean you as in 'CNN'... That network would sell their Grandmother to get a slander piece on Trump...
@Captain_Feelgood I don't watch CNN.
@Captain_Feelgood, do Republicans ever actually watch real news? Or are you all too busy living in your little bubble of Fox? Guys manifesto has been on the news all day.
@Barnie2years Yes, I read it.. Did you? He actually says in it that he has felt that way sense long before Trump was in office, but he knew the radical leftists would try to link them together anyway... And sure enough,, that's just what you are doing... So go ahead and spew your TDS induced bullshit all you want, it doesn't change the facts..
@Captain_Feelgood Words have an impact. This issue with white nationalists/supremist does go way back, trump's just taken it to a new level of crazy via twitter. I'm a registered republican and I had the good sense not to get on that short bus to crazytown.