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Media- Forget the headlines and main articles. That is the distraction and misdirection, along with sport, fashion and gossip.

The stuff you need to know are the items that have few column inches and have sneaked past
editorial review either by stealth or intention.

Forget the TV news they are magazine articles and in the case of tabloid news stations transmitters of paid presentations.

Avoid click bait. A waste of your time and a revenue earner for the online publisher.

Common sense and discernment is your best filter!

Geoffrey51 8 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Ignoring the headlines and the stories behind them may leave you with a calmer lifer. And, that’s fine if you don’t mind that your world is shaped by forces that you do not know. But, for many of us, the knowledge of those forces gives us an opportunity to voice our concerns and, perhaps, to shape what happens in some small way.

Besides, those small stories are ultimately shaped by the bigger headlines.

Yesterday, there was a story about the reintroduction of African wild dogs back into an African region previously torn by war. It’s a small story and a small win. It was shaped by the larger story of war and, ultimately may help to shape a world impacted by the larger story of climate change.

But, hey, if you choose to focus on the small and don’t care how it fits in the bigger picture, by all means, keep your head down. Just remember, the mind, your mind and mine, had an infinite capacity to learn and assimilate and connect.

That’s not what I am saying. You will find the issues that are effecting the world are not the headlines. Trump and his nonsense appeals to the sensationalist.

What is happening in Iraq, no headlines, what is happening in China, no headlines, what is happening in Russia? These are the issues that need a more imperative and investigative stance.

What reportage is there about the Russian White Supremicist activity imbedded in the Russian soccer culture. Cunningly concealed.

The rantings of Trump are irrelevant. International subversion is not covered because it doesn’t sell copy.

That is what I am suggesting the intelligentsia consider.

With regard to the dogs, this is exactly what I mean.You won’t find it on a front page anywhere.

@Geoffrey51 I have read articles about what happens in Iraq and China. And about some things in Russia but not a Russian White Supremacist movement embedded in the soccer culture but that would not be surprising. That would be related to the skinheads supporting soccer in Europe, I suspect. And, we already know there are nationalist movements in Europe, and in former Russian states as well (and in other parts of the world, also). Why should Russia be any different.

Frankly, all it it matters. Big and small. But, it’s foolish to ignore the big stories just because you want to focus on the small.


How much easier is it to stick one's head in the sand? If so, please don't vote your ignorance (Which pretty much proves why democracy is bullshit).

You have the capacity to take it all in, but not the time. Tic Tock. Choose your input and accord it the attention it deserves. You decide how much that is.


Great advice! It so happens that I just dumped MSN because of their divisive and offensive selections. From now on it’s Apple News for me.


It's all about the money and infotainment and click bait sells!

Good point and thanks for posting this important reminder.


Once thought I needed to watch some ‘nightly news’ to remain informed, not no more.. Anymore, it hardly seems ‘news,’ just follow-the-bodycount…

In depth podcasts, with interviews of authors or experts on a subject. Hell, late-night comedy monologues … but when I decide to ‘get down to it,’ I turn to the BBC Radio… Just the facts ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 7, 2019

I like PBS News Hour too.

Quite a agree. There are masses of informative and erudite podcasts out there. My go to for intellectual stimulation is BBCs In Our Time with Melvin Bragg where he and three guests discuss all manner of subjects.

No need to engage in tabloid mind mash!

@dare2dream I’ll watch the lead in to the News Hour … but long ago gave up attempting to decipher the facts from diametrically opposed ‘experts.’ It’s tiring, irritating, and to me, anti productive. Granted, lately (and I do occasionally check in) they’ve been more, if not exclusively ..left, but even at that, ‘just give me the fact, mam…

@Geoffrey51 I love In Our Time! (both Science & History) A definite favorite. Non political, or all that ‘current,’ but delicious all the same 😉

@Varn Exactly. For current affairs there are loads of BBC podcasts. The best broadcaster in the world as far as I can see and not infested with government interference too much, a bit left leaning if anything.


Food for thought. But better still, plan on your core news sources being widely respected sources not beholden to either advertisers or political lobby groups. In the U. S., I am thinking McNeil/Lehrer and Reuters. Then, because significant connections among differing issues are both important and complicated, we DO benefit from hearing pundits connect the dots for us and point out their understanding of significance. Just remember, pundits are not factual reporters so much as editorialists. Always regard them as such and regard their talks as debate more than reporting. Check out several different news sources for comparison, and remember they are mostly editorial opinion wrapped thickly around a few thin facts; compare and critiques them carefully. There is simply no reliable way around the necessity of using your own brain, your best judgment, to decipher the current news. But remember the facts of the core news sources. Those commentators who seem to ignore or twist the facts must be viewed as suspect.

If you ignore main news sources entirely, you end up mostly uninformed, which is only marginally better than misinformed. Thomas Jefferson several times wrote that democracy absolutely depends on an educated electorate. If we ignore the headlines, regarding ourselves as above them, democracy is in trouble. (Hint: It IS in trouble).


Sometimes I need a distraction. The news is exhausting!

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