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I read somewhere online that most of the mass shooters were fatherless... like a conservative talking point to try and fear-monger their nuclear family agenda... turns out it was a lie... and if it isn't, then waaay more of us from single-parent homes need to be taking up arms and going on shooting sprees... but we don't.


demifeministgal 8 Aug 7

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Conservatives talk about this "family" that has never in history existed. Their version of family isn't even true in their bible, so why they continue to cling to it is beyond comprehension.


They remind me of the young ‘jihadists.’ And honesty, I remember being quite patriotic at that age myself. They sound isolated. I envision them alone in their rooms for hours, or days ..winding themselves up online ..with periodic ‘killing spree games’ as a break.

And what boy isn’t fascinated by guns? …especially if you can get your hands on a bad one! There appears to be a profile with an antisocial bent.. Ugly appears to be a shared trait, and suicidal seems evident.

So, with all the shit wrong with these young men …. I actually read around here yesterday the suggestion that taking away ‘the right’ to own a gun by anyone declared insane is ‘robbing them of their civil rights.’ With that mentality calling the shots, this will be endless ~

Varn Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

Oh, yes, there must be a man in every household, even if he is a drunken wife-beating chlld-molesting monster, he is a "man" and we need him!


Weapons of maas destruction.
Yhat is qhat these AR-15s and pistols are. They are maga-guns.
Weapons of mass destruction!
A colt revolver was a 6- shooter.
Plenty of fire power for Wyatt Earp.
It takes no skill to use a weapon of mass destruction.


My father was a conservate jackass, he was always going on and on about how family was important, bla, bla, bla, but he was one of the most destructive when it came to anything you would expect out of a real family, fucking chester the child molester, abusive, egotistical, it was all so fucking hypocritical. When you get someone who is always talking shit about a particular talking point, it is not a bad idea to consider the possibility that it may be nothing more than an attempt to cover for their real modus operandi.

Had the same minus the molester part but a sanctimonious holier than thou type who made fun of me for helping the homeless and disadvantaged in the city.... a truly "loving christian" he was/is... if anything did us a favour by leaving tbh


BS that it is a lie?? 😕 So you think fatherlessness is the cause? 😕

@demifeministgal No, its not, but I believe these people ''with all the answers'' are full of it.


I heard that just today and it didn't seem right but I wasn't around a computer so didn't look it up. It just goes to show how little we can trust what people say. I still feel that reputable news sources try to check things but the lies are so pervasive that I'm sure a few get through.

gearl Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

For 56 years radio preachers have been blaming Atheists for all teen pregnancies because Dr O'Hair kicked gawd out of schools

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