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"Protesting Immigration Policy, and Why I Decided to Get Arrested
by Bill McKibben" ......................................................................................................................................

"It’s become very clear that a rapidly heating planet is already driving many people to move. In Central America, for instance, recent reporting has made it clear that drought and heat have made it hard to grow food in the highlands of Honduras and Guatemala, starting many farmers on the journey that eventually takes them to the U.S. border. These people did not pour into the atmosphere the carbon that raised the temperature, causing their woe. (That was us.) And, as this week’s report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.) makes clear, there will be infinitely more of them as the century grinds hotly on. The U.N. estimates that we can expect somewhere between two hundred million and a billion climate refugees on the move around the world." ..................................................................

I personally was shocked to hear an anti-immigrant rant that immigrants from Central America come only because they want our money. What anti-immigrant vilifications have you heard?

AnonySchmoose 8 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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The Syrian conflict started when a long drought forced many farmers into the cities. There were not jobs and the unrest began.

It definitely did start like that !



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 10, 2019

Okay Bob, to which idiocy do you refer? Am a tad curious.

@AnonySchmoose anti immigration rants hate like that Pisses me off racism is wrong

@bobwjr I experienced a young person shouting and telling me off for defending immigrants, and for saying it wasn't their fault that their countries were no longer safe for them to live.

@AnonySchmoose sucks doesn't it

@bobwjr DEFinitely sucks!


Screw borders. We all all human beings.


This is the first I’ve heard of migration due to global warming.

Bill McKibben is a prominent worldwide climate change activist. [] He is the first person I heard publicly speaking about the world's imminent crisis of climate refugees. I'd read about climate refugees in several magazines before that. Many places in the world are undergoing desertification.

@LimitedLight The sharks are heading further north and earlier to hunt bait balls and the occasional swimmer as well.

When picking out what plants to grow, most people want to know what climate zone they're in. Since 2003 my part of South Carolina has changed from zone seven to zone eight. I left a zone 9 when I moved 500 miles north.

It's coming for me but at least I'm not on the coast so bigger, stronger hurricanes can hunt me down.

@LimitedLight He'll be back with the grease dripping out of his taco.

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