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A couple we can respect

bobwjr 10 Aug 16

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Absolutely! They are the most admired couple in the world. Speaks for itself.


Speak for yourself. I loathe them and the Clintons, but for different reasons than conservatives do. Just another pair of sellout, Neo-liberal corporatists who posed as liberals.

Woah dude, lighten up, loathe is a very harsh adjective. Obama may have not been progressive to the level you are, but he did some great things, granted he did some bad things too, but he was definitely smart and exuded class, something our current leader would never even aspire to be miles under his level. He did way more good in the balance and that is what counts, because not even FDR was perfect, and he was elected 3 times. Yet he did send japanese americans to camps, didn't he. Chill out dude.

@Mofo1953 thanks for responding


Obama was as left as most American citizens are likely to lean when it comes to electing a president. For the most part, we like our presidents to fall somewhere in the mddle on the political spectrum because we’ve seen both left wing and right wing dictators rise to power in other countries, and ostensibly we don’t wish to see that happen here.

Then again, there’s Trump, who proves that it CAN happen here in our nice little Representative Republic operated under Democratic principles if too many citizens refuse to participate in the political process.

@daylily You centrists can keep supporting your kind, including Biden this time around, I'm guessing. I'll support Bernie, just like last time. Because otherwise, to me, politics is not even worth bothering with if you are just voting for the status quo over and over.......

Must have hit a nerve with all the centrist Obama fans. The truth hurts......

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