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Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix? A very disturbing look at a seriously sinister "Christian" political lobby in Washington. Whatever your political views I think that everyone on this site should be aware of it.

273kelvin 8 Aug 17

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Thanks for the suggestion. I was unaware of this movie.

It`s a documentary series


Thanks for the reminder I've been meaning too!

MsAl Level 8 Aug 17, 2019

I have not watched it nor do I intend too. In my personal opinion, as with all programs like this, especially on platforms like Netflix, it is fiction and produced for entertainment purposes only. Again, just my personal opinion.

Give it 5 minutes. Honestly, this is not silver hat conspiracy theories. It goes across party lines and has been in the center of Washington for decades. Involving EVERY US president from Ike to the present day

Watch it
It’s not fiction

Or read/listen to the book, written by Jeff Sharlet, who was looking for material about the effect of religion in America and stumbled across this secretive society.


No, I have not. Too much stuff on Netflix. I'll check it out. Thx

I did check it out over the weekend. First episode, that's all I could afford to spend on it. I get the format is like a documentary but for some reason I couldn't find any reason to stay on it. Do those things happen at those levels? Perhaps. Does it have any impact in my personal life? No, IamNobody. Can I change it? No, IamNobody. Was I expecting to learn something new going forward from the other episodes, I felt that I wasn't going to. So I called it a day. Move on to the next series of something else. Anyhow, the older I get, the easier to get discourage or not interested in stuff. The flame keeps getting weaker by the day now.


It’s on my watch list along with The Great Hack

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