30 14

Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix? A very disturbing look at a seriously sinister "Christian" political lobby in Washington. Whatever your political views I think that everyone on this site should be aware of it.

273kelvin 8 Aug 17

Enjoy being online again!

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30 comments (26 - 30)

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I watched the first episode which was pretty nauseating, I'll watch the rest soon..


Yes, I put out the word whenever I can for people to watch it.


Currently on the 3rd episode. Truly disturbing.


So it's different than all the other conspiracy theory videos out there?

Yes, it is. This one is demonstrably real. The annual prayer breakfast is a real event.


I've seen the family in the stars De Niro, Pfeiffer, and was directed by Luc Bess...wait a're talking about something else aren't you? Lol

Yes but that was a very good movie

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