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Insuring that guns never be used for illegal activities makes as much sense as insuring automobiles. Registering all guns, licensing all gun owners and insuring all gun users is as sensible as the controls applied to motor vehicles. The criteria for obtaining an owners license should be determined by the elected legislature, with the intent of keeping guns out of the hands of unreliable users. A buy back and/or confiscation program should be applied to all unregistered guns and those owned by unlicensed persons. Ownership of a gun, by an unlicensed person should become a felony. This program will upset the NRA, but it will also reduce the number of guns available for random violence.

This plan made it to the "Letters to the Editor" in Tucson's daily newspaper on 8/20/19. What do you all think of this plan? Do you think it would ever stand a chance of beating NRA's lobby. Do you have a better idea? Please comment.

tfg1929 6 Aug 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Please moderate your confusion. Law abiding gun owners should be qualified to be licensed.


as has been posted here recently, as soon as the nazis gained power they disarmed the jews.

@OwlInASack ,
regardless, it happened. who knows which sociopaths will control the US when everything falls apart?

@OwlInASack ,
OK, you're happy & virtuous with no gun. i prefer to have one. let's leave it at that.

how can i be part of the problem when i just use my olympic style hand gun a few times/yr for target practice. something that i was trained for in the canadian forces while serving with NATO in germany.
i find you to be a self -righteous, unimaginative, brainwashed person with whom i no longer care to communicate.

@OwlInASack ,
bye, bye.


HOW, are you going to register all guns? That's impossible. Also it would be voluntary?


Ban high capacity magazines. Raise the age to 30 for ownership.
Increase first time punishment for offenses to ten years.


Interesting idea but won't work. Asking gun owners to turn in their guns is like asking illegal immigrants to turn themselves in. We can only hope to stop future killers by banning assault rifles and limiting ammunition.

lerlo Level 8 Aug 20, 2019

And "assault rifle" should be defined. The constitution says nothing about the limitation of ammo. There should be no problem there. The reloading supplies should also be limited.
Maybe there should be a limit of how fast a semi-rifle can fire?

@PondartIncbendog The U.S. Supreme Court in the Heller decision says the 2nd Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to all kinds of weapons. Define it as you will, no one needs to kill multiple people in less than 32 seconds.


You are exactly correct.


This initially struck me as nonsensical: “The criteria for obtaining an owners license should be determined by the elected legislature” … until considering the idea that any US State not setting or enforcing such standards would more than likely become a victim of it’s own negligence..

The gun clingers need to realize, if they don’t give a little - they stand to lose it all.

Varn Level 8 Aug 20, 2019

I think it is an excellent plan, but it will not happen. It is possible if enough of people ban together and insist on it. Other countries have done it so why not the USA?

the other countries that have done it never had a high murder rate by guns to begin with. but now they all feel virtuous & superior b/c they have taken the guns away from law abiding citizens.

@callmedubious That is total nonsense. Many people decided to hand in their weapons without any prompting both in Australia and New Zealand. You probably are not aware that one can have weapons in both countries but that comes with big responsibility.

@OwlInASack ,
the problem with gun control has always been that the bad guys will not turn in their guns. and
they will always be able to get guns.
i can understand why law abiding citizens would balk at disarming themselves.

@OwlInASack, @Jolanta ,
i agree that gun ownership should come with big responsibility.

@callmedubious Really you can understand it? Why is it that in the rest of the world law abiding citizens do not feel the need to have guns, yet alone machine guns?

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