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Do Something! Iowa Crowd boos Senator Joanie Ernst's response to a teacher describing live shooter drills.

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 20

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Logic republican NRA style

Trumpite NRA: Mentally ill people who commit mass shootings should not be allowed to have a gun
Mental health professionals: Agreed, but since the only way of diagnosing a mass shooter is that they have already killed a fuck ton of people...
Trumpite NRA: You cannot suspend the right to bear arms just because some one "might" kill a fuck ton of people, that is unconstitutional
Mental health professional: So?
Trumpite NRA: So we will no longer sell guns to diagnosed mass shooters
Mental health professional: But most of them die in the committing of the crime
Trumpite NRA: Well there you go then problem solved.


Just another insensitive Republican who only cares about money and power.


Joni is a tool of the Republicans

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