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Does anyone else see that the more religious a person claims to be the bigger an asshole they are to others? With an air of superiority.

KICKN 5 Aug 22

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Not necessarily true, although in my observation and experience, it's generally true of evangelicals / fundamentalists.

However I've known even evangelicals who are genuinely good, kindly, loving people. Much more often laypersons than clergy, but even there, I've known sincere, non-predatory clergy who believe and live what they preach.

That doesn't make them right, of course, but it's not true that 100% of religious people -- even very religious, observant ones -- are flaming hypocrites. Or even, really, delusional fools. On a worldwide basis, somewhere between 67 and 87% of Christians aren't evangelicals, and hold their faith much more loosely and are much more live and let live.


I have noticed that the more adamant one is about a subject the less knowledge they have in said subject. One who is well versed in any subject tends to notice the nuances and fallacies of a HARD position in said subject. So you are dealing more than likely with the ignorant. Then there are the apologist that lie on purpose for an audience.


The left wing idiots definitely fit that bill.


If they annoy me enough i ask why would this god allow all of these religions to exist free will is bullshit because if god knows everything how could that be at 7 years old i knew this everyone of them are mythology used for money and control i f one human knew of a creator it would be so profound that all would know.

KICKN Level 5 Aug 22, 2019

Come on now ,I am a nonbeliever, but there are plenty of non believers that Exhibit an air of superiority,far more by percentage if you ask me .The posts and comments on this site prove it on a daily basis

I agree 100 percent

Yes I agree 100%.

Conservative atheist in general are a lot more accepting of the religious than those left wing idiots. A lot of the folks on the left seem to want to torment the religious.

On here, we are talking amongst is definitely the h8ghly-religious "lording" it over us mere mortals on aneveryday basis


Example: Any TV televangelist!


I’d long ago developed a saying I’ll use if pressed: ‘Show me someone whose a little bit religious - and I’ll show you someone whose a little bit mixed up.’ ‘Show me someone whose very religious, and I’ll show you someone who’s very messed up.’ ...and I’ve assumed that reflects every aspect of their behavior … including being assholes 😉

Varn Level 8 Aug 22, 2019

We seem to have an asshole in chief in the White House who makes for a pretty good example . . .

He is not religious playing religious just gets him votes he is FECES WITH FEET!


When I was 17 years old, I was a furniture delivery man for the summer. Of all the people we delivered furniture to, the biggest jerk by far was a Methodist minister.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 22, 2019

Yes.... I can clearly remember when I took over a territory about 6 years back. I went around to meet all my accounts and one woman seemed very nice. She claimed almost immediately that she was a "Good Christian Woman." I immediately knew I was going to have problems.

The VERY NEXT VISIT she started gossiping about all the competition in town and how I should stay away from them or cut them off. She would call up my company in a bad mood, instigate a fight, then call to tell me how badly corporate had treated her. When I first called corp... They played me the recording of the conversation and I learned SO Much about her.

I ended up getting my territory rezoned and lost her as an account. The guy that inherited her found out years later that she had been scamming my company since she was moved from my territory to another.

It was funny... The competition all warned me about her though! Ha!


I’m a garage door repair technian, so I deal with a lot of people in their homes on a daily basis. One thing I can say for sure is that if I walk up to the front door at the home of someone who clearly has money and I see a plaque which says, “as for me and my house, we will serve the lord”, I already know I’m probably going to be dealing with a jerk.

98% of the people I deal with make me feel welcome in their home. If I deal with assholes who treat me like an inconvenience and attempt to haggle pricing down to a point where I can’t earn a living, more often than not they’re flag waving Christians with money


Extreme religion and horrendous crimes go together. Superior attitude cannot do wrong Bullshit is maddening

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2019

Superiority, and a patronising attitude when you say that you are an atheist....certainly. I find it amusing now that I’m older, I don’t usually engage with them, because it’s like banging your head against a brick wall when all they can do is quote scripture back when you ask them for the evidence that god exists. I secretly just think “what a complete ignoramus” and smile to myself.


That has always been my experience. When I was in high school, I worked in a hospital as a dietary aide. I was on the obstetrics floor in the nurse’s station and the catholic priest chaplain was ranting about why he wasn’t going to baptize and give last rites to a dying baby because its parents weren’t married. I will always remember the superiority and cruelty on his face.

Visiting the sins of the fathers onto the children was always what religions did...especially the RCs. Not following the admonitions of Jesus to “suffer the little children to come unto me” seems to be pretty standard practice. They are just such phoneys the whole dammed lot!

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