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You are comletely alone in the Universe.
The better you are at fooling yourself into believing you're not alone, the better off you will be.
From Quora online
Please note that this isn't a complaint ! The original quote was about people who believe in spiritual entities, but you can comment about all kind of loneliness.

Nathalie_Quebec 6 Aug 26

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nothing is actually from quora, any more than anything (except the occasional announcement that NO, they're not using a weird algorithm to limit your timeline's posts to 20 friends) is from facebook. all sorts of people say all sorts of things on quora (and facebook). i happen to think whoever said this on quora is incorrect. ignorance may be bliss for some; for others it is anything but. i do not think fooling ourselves is wise, or that it makes us better off. it certainly doesn't help anyone else.



It get worse. You will die. Life has no meaning. And just for fun, you have free will! Existential psychology. Fun stuff.

Yes, life in the greater scheme of things does not have any meaning or consequence; at least not in the cosmos as we know it. Now, at the individual level, if you don’t want to give meaning to your life, that is your prerogative, one that others use in an opposite direction.

@Rodatheist Yes, there's plenty of ways to navigate past these in a healthy way.


Lol maybe you are, but not m-Nevermind, I'm fuckin' by myself almost all the time these days because everyone else is too busy creating problems.


Alone? Poppycock. I believe in the seer thus I believe in the self. The universe is mostly space, all interconnected. So MY stock rests on the fact we only know a drop in the ocean of knowledge and I believe there exists a turiya. pure consciousness. there is no "you" apart from anyone else to be alone. there is only I. that alone emotion only exists in this body. once outside it there is no alone. Just existence, intelligence, and bliss. Satcitananda.

sigh Wouldn’t it be great? But, for the sake of argument: what is the purpose of turiya?

@Rodatheist turiya is the 4th stage of consciousness.

@JeffMesser Thank you. Although perhaps you would want to answer the actual question: What is the purpose of turiya?

@Rodatheist the purpose? what is the purpose of a tree? what is the purpose of a carbon molecule?? that question is weird.

@JeffMesser Comparing a human to a tree or to a carbon molecule is in itself weird, but that does not make my question weird. Since we are feeling, thinking living beings, capable of perceiving our individual existence, capable of understanding the existence of the past and the inevitable arrival of the future (which I would have difficulty imagining trees and individual carbon molecules can do). So, if we are such living beings, the question stands: what is the purpose of turiya in our existence? And where does lie the difficulty of answering such simple question?

@Rodatheist ok then please tell me ... what is the purpose of a rock?

@JeffMesser You continue avoiding answering the question. I will have to understand that you believe in turiya but you are unable or unwilling to say what is its purpose.

@Rodatheist If your question is so easy then why don't you answer mine? what is the purpose of a rock?

@JeffMesser Ok. If it has to be in your terms, and if I have to present an argument for you to answer a simple question, so be it.
What is the purpose of a roc?
We are living feeling curious and industrious beings, with needs and wants, and with an excellent adaptation that is our brain, and with psychological adaptations like imagination and a sense of self, and many other wonderful ones that even allow for our conversation right now. As such beings, we see rocks and we use them with the purpose of throwing them to defend ourselves, or to attack others, we use them to crack open tough nuts, we sharpen them to cut with them, sometimes to cut others with them, we morph them into objects of beauty, we stack them and piece them together with fluid rocks that when dry up they turn into solid rock too and we create shelters against the weather. I could go on and on.
So, then, we give purpose to rocks.
What purpose then, can we give to turiya?

@Rodatheist so your standard of purpose is what we use it for? OK. First, we use it for objectivity. That is actually the entire basis behind that old saying "not seeing the forest for the trees". Objectivity provides a viewing position that mimics a dimensional advance.

Turiya is also the self constant throughout the 4 stages of consciousness. The word actually means "4th".

Most importantly, however, is the role consciousness provides as awareness. This makes it the probability change agent in our perceived reality. Current theoretical physics supports the "Biocentrism" view espoused by professor Robert Lanza and Physicist Bob Berman in the book of the same name. This just furthers the oft-repeated double slot experiment and explains how quantum entanglement does not violate the EPR paradox by breaking the speed of light. Ironically this view of awareness corresponds to the "substratum" analysis of the Isa upanishad which was part of the Yajurveda composed over 5,000 years ago and written in sanskrit around 2,500 years ago. These theories were furthered by the Hindu wise-man Sri Adi Shankara in the 8th century AD in his work Vivekachudamani. These views established the idea of monism and advaita vedanta while also accounting for the physics of the universe as defined by Einstein and his peers.

If you have questions I'd recommend the Lanza book as well as the isa, katha, chandogya, and mandukya upanishads.

@JeffMesser Well, it is not my standard. Consulting the dictionary we can see that the definition of the word purpose is “the reason why something exists or is made for or is created”. In any case, once I gave an example, I was able to get your response. I thank you for that.
Now, at the end of your response you give me a recommendation on what to read if I have questions. Does that mean I cannot ask you further questions about what you wrote?

@Rodatheist you're certainly welcome to ask. there's no guarantee I will have an answer. many things I black box and leave the understanding to later if I feel I already know the result or conclusion.

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