In East Europe new laws allow for second generation Holocaust survivors to apply for finamcial compemsation. Isn't it time for first generation survivors of Soviet concentration camps to get compensated?
My paternal fourth great-grandfather back fought in the Revolution, and was a POW from 1780-1783. So does that mean the UK government owes me a monthly reparations check? And a great-great uncle of mine was a Confederate soldier, who was captured at Petersburg, VA in 1864. He spent the duration of the war imprisoned at Point Lookout, MD. So, do the Yankees owe me a monthly reparations check? I think people get carried away with this reparations stuff!
Financial compensation from the Soviets? Good luck.
Doable. The civilized countries should confiscate the Russian oligarchs bank accounts and give the money back to the people. Next, prosecute these gangsters, including Putin.
I would have put an expletive between good and luck.
I'm trying to curb my "enthusiastic language" habit.
They are entitled to compensation, but I really doubt they will ever get it due to the politics of Russia, the corruption in the govt., and how broke the country is financially most of the time.
Yes , i think they re entitled for massive compensation financially