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A Date is finally set for the trial of the 9/11 planners in Guantanamo Bay in 2021. My how justice moves so s-l-o-w-l-y. Agree/Disagree?

sassygirl3869 9 Aug 30

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Wow, only ten years to prepare their case . Guess they didn't want there to be any cause for mistrials .


Interesting that they are waiting until 2021


Pre trial there is no compelling reason for release of any information, who did what, when, how, and more important how did the authorities get to know ... informants, torture, dodgy backroom deals, etc .... the defendents can be held 'for trial' until a trial takes place, so they can be questioned regularly throughout that time....justice only goes so slowly when someone has a reason to slow it down


This is ridiculous.


About as slow as the OJ Simpson trial.


The Nuremberg trials took place in 1945 through 1946 yeah I think this took a little bit too long.


I'm sure the republicans weren't through torturing them. (Sarcasm)


I don't understand why it took so long to set a trial date.


If it moved fast, lawyers, who earn by time spent, would be out of pocket.
Hence, where's the incentive?

Yup, Its's all about the money, it always is.

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