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I'm going to state something here because the discussion has left the "Watchers" group now.

When someone deliberately takes a photo that isn't easily recognizable and uses it as a profile picture - they are seeking to deceive.

That's literally identity theft. The person whose photo they've taken would be peeved about it. People go to court about that sort of thing. (And this actress already had her identity stolen once before in a catfishing scheme - so I doubt she'd be entertained by this).

Social Media Presence is bought and sold these days.
It's not something to be trifled with.
Look up Influencers if you don't believe me: [].

Furthermore - when a member takes another step and alters the photo - and crops it further down - they're doing that even more. And this member's photo was cropped and rotated.

When you take a porn actress's photo and use that as your identity on a web site and don't state - "My avatar is Porn Actress CJ Miles" at the very top of your bio - you're lying.

That's a porn actress with HIV who has been out of circulation for a number of years now - so not so easily recognizable.

Now this is being dragged into "General and Hellos" by someone still wearing that same Porn Actress's face. Like using that's okay.

Please understand the reason we are warning you about this account is that she is likely not to be who she says she is.

The person vouching for her - is also using a stolen image. A Stock File Photo.
Right there - he went up in smoke for me as a witness. (And yes it's been reported).

If you aren't blocked from the group feel free to read the reports "Watchers".

I've been doing this work for months now. With good results. People coming in using Scammer boilerplate in bios and Scammer stolen images get removed. It's good for the site. You're dealing with more real people and you have somewhere you can ask for a photo to be looked into.

I've been concerned about this account since it arrived on site and have voiced these concerns repeatedly.

It it illegal to have a fake presence on a social media site? Well perhaps no.
Do I have any idea what the scam is here? No I do not. I am NOT the target audience here.

But it should be absolutely wrong to be using someone else's face if the Q-score isn't movie star level. []

And- If you think she's a wonderful member - think about this. She recently hijacked a group out from under another member - while their account was paused.
Administration was investigating something that was said - and the member was cleared.
He was reinstated.

When I saw him reappear on site - my roommate (Kafirah) was in his other group and literally saw her throw him out as moderator and change the name of the group. Within minutes of his return. (see screenshots) I believe they reflect the time.

Apparently because she'd been blocked from one his groups previously as near as we can tell - this was the reason for doing this btw.

She waited for him to return - banned him from his own group and re-purposed the group.

You can see in the second screenshot where the member who was holding the group during his absence - looked for a member with more knowledge on the topic to take over the group. Guess who stepped up?

Now it's another group for dirty pics.. She could have just created another group - she didn't need to steal one.

Now imagine if that happened when Sassygirl3869 had been temporarily removed from the site? And lost control of the Singles Mingle group to a member who decided to keep the group out of ill will?
Does that seem ok to any of you?

This isn't just about a photo. This is about some mean behavior.

And the fact that some things just don't add up.

Like the fellow vouching for her as a "real person" is using a fake photo too?

And a member who has been here a year less than other top contributing members has almost bypassed them in posting points - even with a newborn? (How is that possible? Really if anyone can answer that one I'd love to know the answer).

When there are multiple points that don't add up? That's when we label an account as "bad news" and report it.

You are all adults use your judgment.

RavenCT 9 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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@AnneWimsey - Admin does not consult me in any fashion on items reported. I hunt scammers because I think it's something to keep off the site - and I've seen harm come to people who weren't protected from them.

Members let me know if they see something suspicious and I help find confirmation of scam photos or text in those profiles. I also do searches for suspicious photos.

To be able to prove a member has been engaging in catfishing or scamming - you must have screenshots. I also highly recommend you contact SiteSupport - she usually deals with such cases. Admin does coding - SiteSupport deals more with the members - Usually. When it's really important? I send the same PM to both of them.

Often the problem with reporting is people become so disgusted that they block the offending member and they have no proof as they can no longer access what was said in PM. That's why we recommend you take screenshots of conversations where someone solicits money or any other such thing.

If you send me the member name in Private Message - I will look at the account and see if I can find anything wrong with the photo or the text in it. That can often get the account pulled. There are places online that prove photos have been used in scams before. And if they get used again - there's the proof.
Same with reusing the same old "lines" of text.

I can't help with what I don't know about. I'm just another member with an interest in this topic and with trying to keep the site from being overrun with fake accounts.


So this is where the middle school meanies hang out, huh?


all this false sense of importance and pride. name-takers and tattle-tales. I participated this kind of stuff once. it is a waste of time and drama. kinda sick.

We find out the most prolific member on site is using a stolen photo and the person who vouches for her also uses a stolen picture.

I would think most members would find that worth a few moments of thought.

People who lie about basic things? That's never been a good continued experience in my life.

And remember this was all staying in the scammer group and going to administration - it was the member who decided to drag it out here.

@SeaGreenEyez However using false photos is a standard way this site hunts predators.

A hard and fast rule would be welcome.

I keep getting PMs from members saying 'I knew something was wrong with that account!'.

But every new member comes in and gets exposed to this prolific poster? Without knowing what's up.

I agree 'buyer beware'. But how many folks even know to look?

@RavenCT childish drama.

@hankster Feel free to read articles about scammers or catfishers. You don't have to believe me. The information is out there. (It's pinned here " Information on Scams and therefore on Scammers

Better Business Bureau articles:

Anatomy of a..." - right below the scammer list)

The Better Business Bureau has great articles on the topic. I don't think they consider the subject childish. But you are entitled to your opinion.

@RavenCT you can find someone who agrees with you about anything. that doesn't mean they're right and don't love childish drama. I don't seem to be the only one with this opinion.


I think it is time the Admin addresses this by saying it’s fine to use another persons photo or it’s not.
I am an Admin on a forum and have to check ips and photos and our policy is if you have more than one account banned .If you use someone else’s picture you have 24 hrs to remove or banned. Not saying the policy should be the same here BUT just saying Admin spell it out.
If we can post whomevers picture we want .....let’s have at it 🙂

Just saying or trying to lol let’s spell the policy out so we can stop the back and forth.


Understand not wanting to post a picture of yourself but you can post other things in your life .

In absolute agreement. There needs to be an enforceable rule.

I've have some members who were removed come back up to five or six times "reincarnated" - many scammers do this as well. (They use the same bio or the same photos again and again).
(It does make the hunt for them interesting though).


I see my mug in the mirror more than enough times in the day so I use one of my late kitty photos as my avatar. I'm not being deceptive or lying, I just don't care to see my face on websites at every login.

Correct but you don't use another Person as your ID and pretend for a year that it's you either do you? No you don't.

That would be disingenuous.

@RavenCT No, it would never occur to me to do something like that.

@Lilac-Jade I really like that about you? ❤

I have no objections to people using whatever they want as a picture - except when they steal photos of other humans beings that might be mistaken as being their own face. Which was the case here.

The photo had 60-soemthing likes the last time I saw it - before I blocked her. Members believed it was her.

Using something other than your face is not a deceptive practice but may simply be discretion. Cats are a lovely choice.

@RavenCT Thanks.....I was headed for something of a guilt trip there.

@RavenCT I thought it was a picture of her. Had no idea it was a porn star. I simply asked her why she decided to use a porn star's pic and she said it was an image of someone that looked closest to her. It was a matter of privacy not showing her real face but a likeness of it, if you will. I see no issue with what she did tbh because I don't like using my real pic on social media either because it gets me treated differently, either harassed more or sexually harassed by men in groups. I prefer being treated like a human being first rather than a potential fleshlight and hiding my real pics has achieved that for me.

@demifeministgal Yes, its not a case of being deceptive, its keeping ourselves as safe as we can online.

@demifeministgal There are many options that don't include assuming anothers identity.

I had to explain to a member today that that photo is NOT her: He was convinced it was.
I felt like I was pulling the wings off a butterfly.

This is sketchy behavior and precisely what scammers and catfishers do all the time.

It disappoints me that so many members can't comprehend the nuances. It's stealing glamour from another. You can just as easily use a photo of a rock to preserve your identity.

If you're going to use a real person it needs to be a person so readily recognizable that no one will mistake it for you.

People were not liking her photo because they didn't think it was her. It was not approval for CJ Miles porn star - it was approval for the member wearing her face.

And how does someone with a newborn spend oh so many hours online? I absolutely don't believe that. (But you are all free to). Anyone is free to tell a story online and have it believed I suppose.

Remember too the photo was subtly altered as to not be readily searchable.
Who does that? People with bad motives.

I'm unsure what this person is getting from this site. And what people are getting from her.
Apparently they find it very valuable.

Because very few are asking the right questions and almost none will ask them publicly.

I've had multiple high level account holders say "Thanks - I knew that account was sketchy!" - but they just don't want to say anything in public.

The retribution on this end is pretty nasty. Trust me we don't take this on for fun.
It's done because of concern that something is being done here - and we can't see it from this end.

@RavenCT I asked her publically in the general and hellos post and was told she did not want to make her pic public and found a pic of someone's face online that closely resembled her own... so it was a way to show herself without actually having to show herself. Personally, I would not go to all that trouble and would prefer not to give people even a whiff of what I look like, but to each their own.

As for the newborn thing, I have known people in my life who have newborns and are online alot because their business is mainly done online... it is not uncommon for millenials to be online even when we are busy multi-tasking... I do not doubt that my generation of moms can do that just as women from older generations could be on the phone or watch tv with a newborn.

@RavenCT I don't really get anything from her but I have been accused and harassed of being a fake account or spam account online by people for not having my real pic up, be it on here or on other social media... so when others make posts like yours against us non-real pic users I get defensive cuz I know how that feels like... it doesn't feel good at all... women should be able to use social media without being harassed... and if the ONLY way to do so is without including our real pics, so be it.... I never see people throwing fits or demanding men post their real pics... why the double standard? probably because women are judged on our looks first and everything else as secondary cuz society is that fckd up.... but that's not your fault, it is a failure of society...

@demifeministgal i have zero issue with people using avatars - it is when the avatar is another human that people believe is you? That is wrong.
She could have used a meme generator to label the photo or noted it in her profile.

Porn actress as avatar equals ill intent feel free to browse all the scam hits in "Watchers" many labeled 'another porn actress'.

She got caught and she doesn't like it. The lashing out from members at this end is just terrific too.

I will never not report a false photo because of someone's level.

@RavenCT I did not mean for my comment to come across a lashing out... I know it may feel that way cuz of all the piling on you are getting atm... I genuinely was trying to understand your reasoning and convey the reasoning of people on this side of the aisle. Yes you are free to report or bring attn to the senate and admins as you see fit. Was not trying to stop you from doing so.... I suppose others have here idk.

@demifeministgal I actually don't have access to the Senate?

I'm not angry with you - I'm simply explaining the points as I see them. No worrys.

I'm perplexed that I'm hearing only from people in private - except that a lynch mob formed.
People don't want a social media lynch mob in their lives.

I'm getting used to the feeling of pitchforks and torches.

@RavenCT Isn't that the group we get access to once we reach level 7? Perhaps it has another name 😕

@demifeministgal Yes I was removed from Senate. (It was supposedly temporary but it's been many months now).

I'd asked for personal blocks to be reinstated there and tried to get people to work that issue.
It didn't go well. (I'd noticed most of the members with depression and anxiety were no longer participating there).

I would explain what went on there by saying it was pretty much the same lynch mob that formed. (Though they've added a few new faces this time). I used the chat room to hold a meeting and it turned out they'd formed a group to pre-plan their group response. (Flame the War Room).

They got as ugly as they are now - perhaps worse actually? I can't judge I didn't see much of what happened this time due to blocks.
So I'm just hearing snippets reported to me from my roommate.

I still don't have any of those flags on my profile so? (Shrugs).

It descended into much the same posse you're seeing this time around of people name calling from group to group.

This time I'm not asking for reason. I know better.

It's actually just as easy to suggest things through other groups or via PM without the input of members who simply want to be detractors.

What is really ironic is I didn't create this post. Kafirah did. It was just presumed it was me.
She's the Mod. in "Watchers" and felt strongly that members needed to know about the misrepresentation.
I had to agree - a member's level shouldn't be the deciding factor.

But pretty much everyone thinks it was me who did the write up? (I usually do). But I stepped back on this one. She was willing to step up.

I'm exhausted by this member. And the angry responses. And I now have two dear friends planning to flee the site. We'll see if any of that can be fixed.

I've no idea what goes on with the two accounts. The warning was issued to members - they can choose what they do. They're adults.

My Senate Posts are available on my Profile for any who are interested.

@RavenCT ahh okay then makes sense... I tried to find that flame war room when you mentioned it but could not find it in a search... perhaps it was shut down? idk 😕

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