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Evangelical Leader Blames Mass Shootings On Schools Teaching Evolution.

Dhiltong 8 Sep 4

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Weapon is like a toy . Unbelievable!!!


Don't feed the trolls.


Lifeforms have 2 basic instincts, procreation and survival. We are aware of our death but some people have told us they can cure death and all we need to do is follow them. They used religion to get people to do their bidding but now many have discovered the horrors and abuses that come from following them and want out. Of course they will any trick in the book to regain power but, hopefully, their time is coming to an end.


Breathtakingly moronic. With these morons it’s never about the guns, that there are too many, that they’re too easy to get hold of, that people with mental health problems have access to guns, that semi-automatic weapons are on sale to the public when they should be restricted to the military. If mass shootings are increasing because there is too little religion, in the USA, one of the most religious countries in the western world, why are other less religious countries not experiencing the same increase in the number of mass shootings? In other, more secular countries, mass shootings are very rare...this is because they are not awash with weapons.

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