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If the Straight of Hormuz is such a bottlenet as to maybe ignite the next great war, why not dig a canal large enough for oil tankers across the UAE and skip using the Straight?

Olli 3 Sep 4

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You really should check and see if UAE likes your plan.

1of5 Level 8 Sep 5, 2019

Oman, and Yemen are also in the way!

@davknight like we care about what they think.


Maybe you should read about all the "fun" of building the Tiny Panama Canal before you put forth that idea....


The answer is simple. Quit using oil! Embrace the 21st century.

@Bobby9 We'll continue to support oil dictators until we transition to 21st-century power. I've been in the business for 40 years. Had we made a concerted effort to transition in the 70s the US would be world leaders and the Mideast wouldn't have a stranglehold on the rest of the world. It will happen we are only now taking it seriously (as soon as trump leaves office).

@Bobby9 Nope, the US isn't but this can be done much faster and the rest of the world still uses lots of oil and fossil fuels. Sooner we do this the better.


First, it's bottleneck (taken from the narrowing of the neck of a bottle). Second, that doesn't solve anything. The problems in the area would still be there. The problems are much greater that a narrow strait or a canal. Sure ships would be diverted away from the strait, but only so long as the politics with UAE remains in our favor.

The problem lies between two competing factions within Islam to begin with. UAE and Suadi Arabis are both sunni and loose allies. Iran across the strait is Shia. They historically and traditionally do not get along. Given the depth of their animas toward one another this would result increased conflict between the counties in the area.

Throw in the meddling by western nations, including are own meddling in the affairs in the area. IMO a canal will not solve anything, just complicate the political situation in the area.

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