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I don't think I've ever made a post before.

I have responded to a bunch. One think I do is write really long responses, then delete them because I decide they are too personal or just boring. So, I'm basically posting this to see if I can make level five.

Cassandra 6 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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What you see as boring and mundane because it is your everyday experience could be fascinating to someone else, or you might find that there are plenty who see the world the way you do and make some new friends. There's only one way to find out, and what I have seen is that this is a receptive and warm-hearted community for the most part, so the odds are in your favor.


If there was ever a place to be totally open, this is it.


Btw, if a post is too long, I don't have the patience to read all of them. I'm like, "You're taking me to Florida and back!"


Lol! You go girl!


I may be boring but I still think everyone is entitled to my opinion. 🙂


Let others decide if your posts are too personal or boring. Speak your mind!


Did this do it?

@Cassandra l love it when a plan works out. Congratulations!


I hope you can get to a place in your life where you aren't afraid of sharing personal stuff. I do it a lot. I'm good with who I am and honestly don't care what others might think of me. I will say I've not yet had anyone here slam any of the personal things I've shared. It's an amazing community.

Yeah. I've done that a few times, too.


Are we there yet?

I'm sure I bore the hell out of people when I post, and most of my replies are widely ignored, but I made it to level 7.

At the rate I'm going now, I could reach level 8 in two or three years.

JimG Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

Please don't hide yourself like that. We'd love to hear what you have to say. Don't make me come over there and lasso your tongue!! Speak!!

@Cassandra LMFAO!!!


Haha Ive written many long comments and posts only to delete them before publishing.




Please share your thoughts! There aren't very many jerks here so responses to your comments are almost guaranteed to be respectful. How else will anyone get to know you and how will you get to know yourself?

@Cassandra They are very photogenic aren't they. 🙂


Reading about what Cambridge analytics has done with millions of personal information from facebook to post targeted slanted stories maybe a second thought of how much personal information we post here may not be a bad idea.


I do too. I shouldn't I'm pretty confident that even if I receive any criticism it won't be harsh or mean. This is a great group and that's one thing I like most is not a lot of arguing or demeaning each other. This isn't Facebook for sure.


I'm used to deleting things on social media because it would just make people mad. I just want to provide an alternate view without someone appealing to emotion.


Post something really personal and it will help you loosen up.

Here, I will go first ... I suffer from a narrow urethra and my son Bobby is a bit of an embarrassment.


Such a shame though im more of an answering kind of person and love interacting and Ikeep it short and sweet as is possible especially as Ifeel like Ihave to correct my writing because of dyslexia because someone hates my bad spelling.

I have Grammarly but it sometimes doesn't even work on her. I just addressed words on these few words.


Don't be afraid to post an idea, cartoon, meme, silly questions, etc.

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