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I saw this on another page, and decided to bring this over hear. I still don't believe Mr. Hawkins would have converted at the last minute of his life.


countrylife 5 Mar 20

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he wouldnt


That would be like suddenly believing in Santa again on xmas eve, just in case he might give you a pressie. Besides, he's virtually been on his death bed for most of his life, so, what difference would there be in the 'last minute'?


To be fair, the Catholics lie about all kinds of stuff. (Disclaimer: I was raised as a Catholic.) Putting their words into the mouth of a dead man is the least of it, though it is still reprehensible. When you can't win the argument with evidence, make some up. Then go to confession to make it straight with the big guy. At least they're predictable.


Went to a funeral for a friend who maintained atheism to his dying breath. The service was religious for some reason, and the preacher explained for the comfort of religious family members that "you just never know" but likely the person got "right with God" as the end approached. I told my kid Don't you dare do that to me! Don't you dare deny my truth when I can no longer speak for myself.


I call bullshit.


It's an old urban legend that they applied to him. Any time an athiest dies this is brought up to keep believers believeing.

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