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Words. Yeah, words matter to me because they were an important part of my profession. It occurs to me that we are in the hyperbole generation. It struck me, walking in Target today and hearing one of the employees telling a women, "we don't have a ton of them but I think I can find you one." Everything these days is hyperbole: A "ton" of everything, all adjectives are "super" and all responses from desk help or online sales people is "perfect." I guess life can't get any better than this! 🙂

lerlo 8 Sep 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Haha absolutely right. We are at the zenith of our achievement now..aaaaaannnnd .....Here comes the roller coaster dip!


This is the radest most awesome post ever. Really


We’ve a so-called president swimming in them!

Something I’ve noticed is that there are no longer ‘problems,’ you know, something in need of fixing.. Now there are only ‘issues,’ something in need of discussing 🙂

...and how about the ‘upspeak,’ where every statement ends in the form of ‘a question?’ Don’t know if it’s a sign of getting older, or wiser ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 15, 2019

"I know about hyperboles more than anybody! I'm a stable hyperbole genius!"

Do some politicians on TV ask themselves some questions out loud and answer them right away? Apparently they do. Do I find it annoying? Everytime!

@Varn I hadn't heard it called "upspeak" but it's annoying as hell. Everything's a question.


Like it or not this is how languages evolve.

ok, I'll bite. How does the over and improper use of hyperbole help language evolve? To me it diminishes everyday speech because you can't legitimately use superlatives anymore.

@lerlo These changes are not just recent but have been going on since the beginning. Every country wrestles with this.The cell phone and texting has made a huge impact. I know, it bothers me too.

@JackPedigo The only possible evolvement is that people finally realize it's ridiculous and go back to having adjectives and adverbs mean what they mean and evoke the appropriate or correct amount of feeling or condition. Not sure that adding methods of communication cause such usage. When we evolved from two cans and a string no additional words were needed 🙂 Now I agree that texting and online communication has raised the level of acronym use. These days if you don't know the acronym lingo you are really lost. lol


I agree, and I add the use euphemisms, which I loathe. Ethnic cleansing, enhanced interrogation, extraordinary rendition, and stuff like this. The corruption of language is a reflection of corruption of discourse and power.

Open secularism


Its everywhere.


Overuse of "awesome" makes me inwardly roll my eyes.

That's awesome

Makes me wonder if certain words can be trendy one day and become out of style the day after.
It seems to me that when you over use some words, they wear off, they lose their edge. The nature of some words can even change, reverse. Pejoratives can become sort of positives, glorified, like punks, nerds, geeks.

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