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Physicist Sean Carroll
“God is not a good theory”

greywolf3 5 Sep 18

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Gods and magic aren't even a theory.... They are just ignorance faking knowledge...
Until you can provide actual evidence for your theory it can't be called a theory it remains a hypothesis...


I don't have time to watch it right now but just the title is a lot to like. It made me think what if when theists come out saying "Evolution is just a theory" we came back with "But 'god' just a theory too, one without any evidence, and a bad theory at that". Then shouldn't we be able to quickly steer things towards an evidence based conversation. Shouldn't we?


The rebuttal Carroll gives to William Lane Craig's "fine tuning" nonsense is the single best argument for anything I have ever heard.

I totally agree


Most of this is over my head, so I take it down to the simplest argument. If everything must have a cause as the creationists argue, they must answer the question: "What caused God." And, it does not cut it to say this god has always existed--not only because they just violated their "everything must have a cause" rule, but also because we can reply that energy itself has always existed; and science shows us that no god/consciousness/intelligence is necessary for the universe to behave just as it does.

God is the Great Cosmic Exception to all the arguments for God. Such as everything has a cause...except God. Everything has a beginning...except God.

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