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How many have met Atheists with the same air of superiority that is often found in the religious?

KICKN 5 Sep 20

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Everyone has the right to be an asshole, and every asshole has the right to be ignored.


I think arrogance is more of a human thing, and lots of humans suffer from it.


A nonstarter.


Atheists I know are intelligent, funny, kind and thoughtful. No superior attitudes.

Most are i agree i am glad you have not met any that show differently.


On here all the time!


Extremely rare, and I’ve met a lot ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 20, 2019

Superior logic

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 20, 2019

That give someone the right to think they are better than others,sounds more like ego


A few here who are atheists, yet believe in Donald Trump.


The other day I heard a co host on a television talk show, state that she believes in fairies.

When guns kill people, there is the illogical solution of thoughts and prayers.

When trying to resolve a serious issue, I've heard religious people say they are going to let God handle it.

Do I think I'm superior to anyone, because I'm an atheist?

No. But, my logic is definitely superior.

I agree with you fully as I see faulty logic almost daily.

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