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Those who dispute global warming are either grossly stupid or, even worse, like the poster child for the denier, the idiot Trump, grossly and stupidly corrupt.

wordywalt 9 Sep 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Currently my book club is reading The Uninhabitable Earth - Life After Warming by David Wallace-Wells. I'm not confident of the world we're leaving my grand children. It makes me very sad for them.

Like you, I am not confident that we will; have enough people showing the will; and morality to get the job done.


Walt I hope you have a flack jacket on. BTW I happen to agree with you and the majority of the other climate scientists.


Or may be we just refuse to get sucked into the schemes of the idiot politicians like Al Gore.
You would have been underwater by now, according to him!

My post applies.

MAC...You are a perfect example of Walt's post. Thank you for providing an example. 🙂


How do you feel about highly qualified climatologists such as Roy Spencer who says, yes, the climate is warming at a low pace (0.13C/decade), the human part of that warming is unknown, and it is not known if the trend will continue, and that furthermore the situation does not warrant expensive emergency reactions?

And what about this recent release?

“Petteri Taalas, the secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), told the Talouselämä magazine in Finland that he disagrees with doomsday climate extremists who call for radical action to prevent a purported apocalypse.”

97 percent of all climate scientists agree that global warming is a rapidly increasing problem. That is a overwhelming majority. Enough said.

So? The pope believes in god, does that mean that despite the overwhelming evidence that it's a myth mean you should believe in god, too? I mean, who should be more of an expert on god than the pope?

That there's 97% agreement means that there's 3% that don't. What, to you, justifies giving more weight to the 3% than the 97%? Or even a single voice from that 3%?

@ToolGuy no shit, but to deny climate change or man's involvement in it is to believe in myths. Hence the comparison.

I did ask why he gives them weight disproportionately in the field to thier actual numbers.

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