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Is your circle of friends enlarging or shrinking as you age? In my case, I note with some concern that, as time marches on, I have fewer and fewer people whom I can honestly call "friends". Guess I've gotten more picky over the years, or maybe I've become more intolerant. I believe it was Einstein (although I cannot confirm the source) who said if you live long enough, you're bound to become something of a misanthrope. Some of my reasons for dropping "friends" have been: (1) I was always the one who initiated contact. (2) I'd go to dinner with a person, and they'd talk about themselves, never once asking me what was going on in my life. (3) The person was vocally and obnoxiously religious. (4) The person was hopelessly shallow and rejected what they termed "psychobabble". (5) The person bitched about his or her life, year after year, and never attempted to rectify what her or she felt was wrong.

So, to re-state the question: Is your circle of friends enlarging or shrinking as you age? And why?

Rob48 7 Sep 20

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They die. I've lost a few dear friends that way. Sometimes they retire and move far away. Also, I feel less able to tolerate certain types of people now, e.g. the kind of person who talks incessantly about their lives, and never acknowledges anything I say. Also, shallow people. I ended a friendship over religious fundamentalism (when she converted, sadly). I like meeting new people, but am wary of ones who want to use me. It's sad. I want to be surrounded by friends, but am really picky, so I would say my amount of friends is shrinking.


My circle is square.

skado Level 9 Sep 21, 2019

Lol... the corners are a good place to hide! 😉


That is a very interesting question. Mine certainly is changing. I have lost many with retirement and my kids moving into their adult lives. Yet, with more free time, I have added a few new friends who are a more genuine fit with me. The total quantity might be lower, but quality has gone up. Work friends and friends through the schools were pretty flakey. The friends I choose now are based on genuine lime and desire for each other’s company.

Like you, I would rather it be that way. As more folks around me sicken and die, I realize life really is too short to waste it on pseudo friends and emotional vacuums. Time spent alone, but content is worth more to me.

Zster Level 8 Sep 21, 2019

Damn, you’ve had some great questions… I’d say my friend cout remains around the same. However, that’s after ‘starting over’ four years ago … as I’d relocated from across the US.. Seems the most interesting of the bunch are also the most active, leaving less time to pal around.

Definitely more picky, though. Met a guy just last night - we share the same birthday ...but not the paranoia of ‘geo-engineering’ or ‘thought healing’... Honestly - right now - I’m avoiding an event a number of my new friends are attending.. Think my best friend’s become a motorcycle 😀 I’m waiting for it to warm up outside ..before zipping off to break my fast in a neighboring town. Just me & it ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 21, 2019

I think my circle of friends has grown. Retirement has given me more time to participate in more varied activities.

I have had some friends die which is inevitable at this stage of my life. I feel fortunate that the age of my friends vary from their 30s to their seventies. When you live in a conservative state and town, liberals seem to find each other. I guess we crave being reassured that not everyone is a right-wing radical.

Interestingly I recently listened to a YouTube video that claimed the smarter you are the less friends you have. I decided I was glad I'm not a genius.

I have made new friends too, by volunteering at the Food Bank and most of them are young enough to be my children...some even my grandchildren. I love that my circle is still expanding at my age. I have lost one or two inevitably, because they have died, but I have retained friends from childhood, even though I don’t see them all the time because I moved from Edinburgh, however I know that I can see them anytime I visit on a Thursday night as it’s still a regular meeting night in an Edinburgh pub for five of my school chums. I am lucky because I have a large circle of or two of whom I would consider close enough to confide in about almost anything. My choir friends are like a second family, and as I’m currently Chairman. I feel like the matriarch of the family,


Because of my profession, wherever I have lived, I have always had a lot of aquaintances, but only a handful of friends. I have one lifelong friend, and almost always have had one or two ( male and female ) close friends in those places I have lived.


mine has shrunken drastically. i never had many to begin with but at least 1/2 dozen or so have died in the last 5-7 yrs or so. my 2 best friends were considerably older than me but surprisingly a few of my younger friends (acquaintances), some 5 yrs younger than me, have kicked off in the last few yrs.


Shrinking. Last year alone 4 died. I'm to young for that shit.

1of5 Level 8 Sep 20, 2019
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