Simple. They don't want to face how wrong they are or how they have brought our country on the brink of destruction.
Let's be clear -- we're not talking about conservatives. Those are people with a different view on how best to work for the common good. We're talking about Republicans. the assholes who only care about amassing as much wealth as possible for short-term benefits, and putting down everyone who is not part of their tribe.
Conservatives (and others) often find themselves on the wrong side of a cause, without much to stand on, no arguments and no evidence. If your opponents make a trivial tactical error, such as having the bad taste to exploit children in the name of their cause, which is a very small fault and a tiny failing perhaps, but if it is all you have got, you have to jump all over it.
And yes it is bad taste, though small, in part, exactly, because those who do it, expose their children to ridicule and worse, and also for the same reason that it is wrong to christen babies and then start calling them Christian children, Islamic or Hindu. Until children are free of parental care and financial support and have gained enough experience of the world to fully understand the whole consequences of what they do, it is the duty of the adults, all of them, to protect them.
If a twelve year old told you that they wanted to make a life in prostitution and were going to start right away, by going and standing out on the road and trying to pick up strangers, what would you do ? And the potential for harm from an early entry into political life is nearly as great. Yes the conservatives may not fully understand why it is bad taste, if not worse in reasoned terms, but it is something a lot of people instinctively feel, without rationalizing it, and therefore they sometimes attack the child instead of the enablers.
The Parkland shooting victims and students helped the cause, Greta hurt the cause. That was dumb, not smart.
How exactly did Greta “hurt the cause”?
Yelling, ranting and being disrespectful at a world body led by world leaders where she was invited. It was not a right. It was a privilege.
There have been a lot of news that the activists are now thinking if Greta's behavior hurt their cause. The backlash has started.
The least Greta and the activists could do who made Greta their prop, was learn from another 16 year old at the UN called Malala Yousoufzai. The girl from Pakistan was shot in her head and was rushed to London for emergency brain surgery. Malala spoke a year after the surgery on her 16th birthday with poise, respect, elegance and gratitude. She received a rousing welcome and a rousing applause from the UN General Body.
Great's message had none of the poise, respect, gratitude, elegance that Malala had.
@St-Sinner. That is all just your opinion, and those with views you agree millions of others she has been inspirational. The leaders who have presided over the shocking increase in greenhouse gas emissions deserve no respect. They have not served us well, and maybe the shock of being told so in such a forthright manner is what they need to jolt them into taking action,
Millions of flies eat shit. That does not make it right. We all fall for the hype, glitz, glamour, propaganda and the publicity machines. It has been happening for a long time. We are a society that celebrates Princess Diana for years but not Mother Theresa when both dies in the same week.
We have been fooled many times in the past only to learn later that it was really good. Plastic, asbestos, aluminium utensils at home, DDT and other fertilizers, many medicines are examples.
Greta's trip was advertised with super hype with a yacht financed and driven by a Monaco prince. It was billed as zero emission trip while reports now show that the was high emission trip in the net.
When the hype wears of, more truths will start coming out. Some are already out.
Millions of whites ran plantations with enslaved black African human beings for centuries. That was not right. Therefore millions is not a test for being right.
Secondly, a lot of work in climate control has been accomplished and still being done. No matter who yells at the world leaders and nations nothing is going to be faster. Wind farms have started, electrical cars started, alternative fuels are invented etc.
Thirdly, what is the urgency of of the issue? is the world going to collapse tomorrow? The end of the world predictions have been made 7 times in the last 50 years since 1970s. Al Gore predicted the world would freeze by 2014. While we panic every 2 years like Jesus is coming, what happens to the children are dying today of simple food, medicine and diseases that are extinct in the rich countries? It is a bad and inhumane argument, that if do not manager climate control, nothing else would matter. Everything else matters today and every minute and day.
@St-Sinner I’m not going to dignify that response with any further discourse.
It's best you do not try.
It skews their Weltanbschauung ( view of the world) and makes them very insecure.