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What do you think? Will the political BS that's going on right now continue suppression and keep a closed eye on whats really going on behind the veil .

Reikiluv 4 Sep 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Just what is it that you think is going on behind the veil? (I'll let you know if you're close)

(Isn't what's going on in front of your eyes bad enough?)


This is like a board game. Spin to pick a country, spin to pick a name, spin to pick a type of crime, then make up a grandiose story, and see if it can be proven true or false.


What’s happening right now is getting to the core of the political Bullshit that’s been happening and hidden for three years! As the Republican’s continue to project their devious behavior at their opposition - perhaps this time US citizens will figure out which party should be in power ~

Varn Level 8 Sep 30, 2019

Because there is a lot of money to be made with "news scoops", and news people are Fiercely competitive for them, I do not believe your "viel" theory.
Thank gawd for the Free Press!

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