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Do you think that Trump will take part in a TV campaign debate or will he duck out like the nomination debates in 2016?
If he takes advice, then he won't. Any decent debater will pull him to pieces about his numerous lies, racist tweets and misconduct in office

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273kelvin 8 Oct 4

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Can’t imagine how he could string any coherent sentences together to be able to engage with an articulate and intelligent adversary.


I don't think a democratic candidate should legitimize trump by being on the stage with him.


Unfortunately, I do not know of any candidate on the Democratic side - not one who can even stand a chance against ruthless Trump. He blew 16 strong Republican established candidates in 2016.

That is the dream candidate we are looking for but frail and old Biden or Bernie are not it. Warren can come close but not quite. One is shaking in his knees when even walking slowly and the other is lying in the hospital looking at the ceiling until doctors can send him home.

But he did not debate against the16. He only took on Hillary, which was let's face it, low hanging fruit
Btw Warren is the bookies favorite


Love the comment.

  1. Donald Trump did not debate other candidates? He debated 16 Republicans candidates in the Republican primaries in 2016. Who did he call "Low Energy"? Who did he call "Lil Marco"? and "Lyin Ted" ? LOL
  2. No doubt, Hillary was a low hanging fruit. lol. Anybody could eat and regret. Dissatisfaction guaranteed!
  3. Warren is surging and no surprise that she is now bookie's favorite. I am guessing now - based on how things stand today and it will be "Warren-Cruz" ticket in 2020.

@St-Sinner If I made a mistake I apologize. I did not watch them all as I really cannot stand his voice. Just that I seem to remember him doing a booster rally instead of one of the debates.

@St-Sinner Just did a little check and best odds out there is Warren 11/4 and Trump 11/8. Not that great for POTUS when you consider that is against any candidate, the incumbent has a home-court advantage of historically 3/1 and that when I checked 3 weeks ago he was 10/11


I agree. But that is just a part of the story. Here is another:

  1. Trump's third quarter fund raising = $125 million (total this year $300 million). Trump is raising money very fast with with the impeachment inquiry.
  2. Elizabeth Warren's third quarter = $24 million
  3. Bernie Sanders third quarter = $24 million
  4. Pete Buttigieg's third quarter = $19 million
  5. The economy showed the job market is the best since 1960. That is a record in history
  6. The economy is stronger than any in the world
  7. Huge campaign funds
  8. Aggressive debating style
  9. Aggressive campaign

Our old, frail and weak generals with crazy and radical ideas will not win any moderate and independent votes. The fanatic Bernie followers can continue to dream of Sweden, Norway and Denmark for the next 20 years.

@St-Sinner It always amazes me what you yanks class as radical left. We got our healthcare set up in 1945 and even Winston Churchill (who no one could describe a left-wing) did not oppose it principle, just in timing. (we had just maxed our cards out saving the world from tyranny). Furthermore, he did not repeal it when he got back into power 5 years later

@273kelvin The US and the UK are two different societies. What works in one would not work in another. The Post Office in the U.S. was also an example of a social program but today, the U.S. is a more capitalist country. The levers of democracy are controlled by capitalism and religion, not progressives in the U.S.

@St-Sinner How do we know that Ben Franklin was a misogynist? He made interfering with someone else's mail a federal offense. I hear that Trump is looking to pull out of the international postal agreement. That's taking isolationism a bit too far.
America and the UK were not that different in the 30s. The split came after the war when we spent our money on social welfare and you spent yours on weapons.

There you have it. You did because your society was ready. Ours is still not ready. Socialist programs are two together bad words in the U.S. That's why even after a section of Bernie passionists are hauling big funds to change it but the American society is not buying it. Not because they don't like lik, it is because the message and the messenger are doomed to fail in the election.


The POS is fighting the states about other GOP candidates to keep them off the ballot!

You took the words right out of my mouth.

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