How do you get over the heartbreak of removing yourself from a 2 year friendship with someone you once loved who has recently displayed toxic behavior?
im pretty sure its like a cold, its gets better within a week on its own, but if you see a Dr, its 7 days or less. Except, this might take a few months, and its not contagious.
Get out! Take a class! Meet/join new people, re-instate old friendships. Wallowing in what "might have been" is not only a pointless waste of your precious life, but is guaranteed to leave you depressed!
Be strong...we can overcome anything. Don’t beat yourself up over it...some things become inevitable when people change out of all recognition. We must remove ourselves from situations that become harmful to our own health and well-being, even when it causes us pain to do so.
I don't know but if you have any tips on disengaging from someone you've known off and on for 40 years, and are sure, now, that you don't really like, because they come across as petty and basically mean, I'd appreciate hearing it.
I got over it by promising myself I would not let the painful lesson be wasted; I'd see it coming next time and not put myself in the path of such again... and then being faithful to that promise. Not by becoming hardened, but by becoming wiser.
This is exactly why I can't just forgive people. I am not sure about others, but I know how I am, and if I forgive someone I also have a tendency to let slide their future actions. For me, I think this sets up a bad habit in general, so that I fail to see toxicity by letting it slide. Perhaps I'm more hardened than wise, but I'm okay with that.
Remember you are human - we don't always see it coming even with wisdom.
They build better idiots all the time. (I think my brother told me that one at some point). lol
Recognize that you are grieving. Be kind to yourself.