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In solving problems 'In general' how useful is the phrase...

What matters is the SUM TOTAL of Human Happines?

i.e some people may have to die to solve the problem.

Mcflewster 8 Oct 9

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Some problems are not solvable, I've had to accept that. Also, some problems are not problems; after some personal setbacks I'm learning to see the difference between what a real problem is and what isn't. Happiness to me isn't based on what happens, but how we deal with it; and maybe "content" is a better word, because expecting to be happy all the time is a set-up for disappointment.

You really do not "have to" accept anything that isn't YOUR decision.

Please do not lower your sights for reaching complete happiness. I understand you have to pause and catch your breath occasionally. It is a real desireable skill to recognise when there is really not a problem.

"Some problems are not solvable" Recognising the real limits of your time on earth is important but if you record what progress you make and tell the right people others will take up the fight after you.

@Mcflewster I used to define my life by how happy I was, which would actually make me miserable. I don't anymore, which ironically has made me happier. Certainly there are things out of my control that I can work towards with others, but I'm also talking about problems in my own life. There are ones I've not been able to solve, and at the same time realizing that some of those are not really problems. So that's also made me happier.

@bleurowz Some good philosophy here. Giving the problems a whorl every now and then might bring to the surface things that you have not consciously thought about since last time. You seem pretty much in control, but Don't let the B*****S get you down.


"In general" you can't solve problems. Problems need to be addresses individually.

1of5 Level 8 Oct 9, 2019

Cannot deny that, but some problems of the same time do tend to get all solved together. E.g Can't do that .. No time .. suddenly a whole bunch of time appears and so on.


I suppose one could look at that phrase as accepting the fact that life will have its shit storms and shit shows. But taken as a whole our hope is that life has more sunny days than dark ones making it a happy one when it’s all said and done.

Now for those who like to grand stand and poke holes in every single post they can, I am not saying that is what it really means. It is probably more geared towards humanity not the individual. All I am saying is that in my view that is what the phrase means to me personally.


why does human happiness matter at all? i mean, its kinda a useful metric, as a symptom of other things. like, if we're doing it right we should be happy, since thats how our brains are wired to work. but happiness as a goal, like doing lots of drugs is equally valid to working to create a satisfying sustainable life, doesnt make sense.

maybe if fewer people had the "happiness is all the matters, in the end" attitude, we could have less greed and abuse

"why does human happiness matter at all?". Strangely enough we have this optional human feeling called EMPATHY which many people demonstrate. Empathy can extinguish evil.

Maximum empathy then what follows is No evil

Greed is a special situation where it is only one person's solution to the problem - the greedy one and it could deny happiness to thousands eg dictators. If you take into account everyone who is affected by a decision then you are much more likely to get a better summation happiness.

@Mcflewster "if you take into account..." like there is someone in charge? In real life, each person is doing to act on their own feelings, and if they feel that the pursuit of happiness is the best way for them to measure success, they will be the most selfish greedy mofo out there.

i guess you nailed one of the key elements of religion- an organized way to enforcing group behavior


Since this is the first time I have ever heard that phrase expressed.... I'd say.... Not that useful.

Does it explain why people are prepared to get killed in a war?

@Mcflewster Not sure what exactly you are getting at. Are you saying people are willing to die in war to be happy?

@RiverRick Miltary tasks would not work without that.

@Mcflewster You are living in a false world if you think there could be a place where everyone is happy. This place is called "Heaven" and it doesn't exist.

@RiverRick I in my wilder moments can believe that heaven can exist on this earth too. No shit [Never thought I would say that]

@Mcflewster Aaaaaaaaand that explains a lot.

@RiverRick Please shoot my ideas down from the sky.

@Mcflewster Wilco... If I ever see a complete one...

@RiverRick Take aim at this one which is under test but almost complete.

Try Never getting yourself into a situation where you have to be told what to do.

It may not be original.

@Mcflewster Complete and cogent... Thank you! I abide by that and always have.

@RiverRick GOOD. But what would you get if everyone in the world did it in a few generations time?

@RiverRick Not twigged yet?

@Mcflewster You had that one complete and cogent thought... And then it went away again. Nothing for me here...

@RiverRick Please answer the question"But what would you get if everyone in the world did only do what they had decided in a few generations time?" Going to separate Post after this .


Not at all. It is far too vague and banal to be of any use in complex real world situations, and why prioritize humans anyway.

I feel that prioritising Humans is what Humanism is about. Not in wealth terms though

@Mcflewster Yes, not a Humanist, not with a capital letter anyway, while I have a great deal of respect for the movement, I did choose, and not

@Fernapple Just what is the difference? Admins NOT listening.

@Mcflewster It is perhaps not true of this site and its sister site. But Humanism as originally created meant a more human centric and humans first movement, than mere atheism, including the belief that humans are the most important thing in the universe. Not something that I am not at least agnostic about.

@Fernapple You sound very Humanistic too me but then I am biased. We have been so held back by religion and the religionists do not even realise this.

@Fernapple Humanism like all beliefs is constantly changing. I personally never accept beliefs as they are. Where do you go to find where change is necessary? -apart from this site of course which constantly highlights the need for change.

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