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Football fans! Please help me understand. For 120 years of American football you always had to get to the first down marker. Did they send a memo out to all football teams across the country and to announcers that it is now no longer the first down line but "the line to gain?" Did someone complain about getting to the first down marker? 😁

The same people who told defensive backs not to look at the football anymore and punters not to try and kick out of bounds? 🤣🤣🤣

lerlo 8 Oct 12

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Not gonna touch this but Terry Bradshaw just had me rolling! Under the gun, not a good analogy - under fire, no that isn't any better - I am leaving! Gets up and walks out 🤣🤣🤣

Nevermind I will touch this. As far as the "line to gain" - some idiot in an office thought it sounded good so we end up sounding like a bunch of kids.
The "not kicking out of bounds" I am not sure but I think it has to do with 'football corporations' deciding fans PAY to watch a physical game and kicking out of bounds is not violent enough for the fans.... mo...
Honestly, I have no idea about the defensive back part...


Some how I think you're confused about the rules of American football to begin with.

If that's your response you certainly can't answer my question. But I would enjoy you enlightening me as to why you think I don't

@lerlo The first down is 10 yards from the scrimmage line. The first down is your teams first possession of the ball. You have 4 downs (plays) to make that 10 yards. If you make the 10 yards in the first down both the scrimmage line and the first down line move. If you still have say, 6 yards to make the down, then the play is 2nd down and 6. The scrimmage line moves 4 yards, the down line does not move. Make the 6, the next play is 1st and 10.

And these rules have always been the rules.

The blue and orange lines you see on tv are not actually on the field. Only the white lines are painted on the field.

@sewchick57 Wow! What's a football? How about going back and reading my post? Find anywhere it says that I don't understand what a first down is. It's all about how they call it now, read the post. Then tell me how you answered my question.

@lerlo My guess is you are seeing and hearing a rebroadcast and non American announcers.

@sewchick57 then you should tune into any college or NFL game

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