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So I've recently been looking at the Bible again, and I found a lot of things that contradict, and a lot of things that break laws of physics.

Like if God is all knowing (as said in the Bible) why would he keep the tree of knowledge in Eden?

Or what about in Genesis, God creating all animals as they are today, but both fossil records and evolution disprove that.

Things like this show that the Bible might have been written by people or may have originally been a story spread by word of mouth by people who didn't know any better.

ConnorM 3 Oct 17

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46 comments (26 - 46)

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There are reasons clergy must jump all over the Bible when trying to make what should be a simple point. Contradiction is just one reason.


I’ve tried to read the bible but I could never do it. So boring that I could not concentrate. I learn more from reading and watching atheists. It seems I know more about the bible than my religious friends. Most of them don’t seem to know very much!

Through reading Deuteronomy I, I could perfectly understand that god was created by men, not the other way around.


Ya think? You know, I’m having the same doubts about those Marvel movies. Some stuff in there seem to break the laws of physics.


Good for you. Do the research. Be ready to refute the stupid spewing from the stupid. And then be silent. Because most of them cannot change. And you will piss off many yo will later need to rely upon.
No need to be totally confrontational.
And the best way is to ask questions. DO NOT quote passages. Get them to do so, and then ask them to explain the context, and they ask how those ideas should be applied today.
It takes a while to learn how to lead others to dig their own holes. Be patient. Be prepared.


"why would he keep the tree of knowledge in Eden?" evidently a very poor horticultural choice


Deuteronomy 21: 18-21 paraphrased

If a man has a disobedient son who will not listen to him he shall take him out to the elders at the edge of the city and stone him to death.

That kinda contradict the loving and forgiving god. He loved us so much that he gave his only begotten son as long as your son is not disobedient then if he is kill him

Aha!! So, coming back to God and his Bible would solve the problem of Gangs and Organized Crime!!! 😃 🤦🏽♂️


Word of mouth has always been suspect in cultures that claim to talk with god(s), especially when it is used to hold dominion over those who can not talk to their imaginary god(s)!!!

Love these!


A friend posted a quote on a group from his leader of choice saying that it was impossible to overcome sin without the saving ordinances and I just shook my head wondering how they can't see how controlling and manipulative that is. And yes, it contradicted other scriptures.


Once I became Atheist... I haven't used the bible other than as Plan F if no toilet paper in the bathroom. With so many books out there to make sense of... why reading the bible? I rather be Bored watching paint dry on a wall myself.


A work of fiction, based on Bronze Age superstition can have any stories the writers want to tell.
I personally prefer to reread the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. It's much more entertaining.

bless you (so to speak) -- i love doug adams and still miss him. but occasionally i like to read stuff about king david. those stories are kind of interesting, flaws and all. i don't do it often and i don't do it for any particular reason.


@genessa Haha! Yes, stories of killing a giant with a sling shot and using executive privilege to take someone else's wife away from a soldier. Didn't he have him killed? And then the stories of the rest of his wives, in the good old patriarchal days. Where men were men, and women were slaves and sex toys.
I can see the attraction. Though I have not watched it, I'm guessing Game Of Thrones was very similar to these stories.

@micktoz i have not watched it either but king david was fooled by a woman, admitted it and gave her what he owed her and had been denying her. there is some very feminist stuff in there too.



believers don't care about any of that. we've said it all before, they've heard it all before and they either deny the science in favor of the bible, tell you that you should only take the parts they like literally and not the other parts, or they say god works in mysterious ways. it's sad, but you can't get through to them with any of this.



All religious texts, back to the beginning of of the creation of religion have the same problem. It is inherent. I see them more as an effort in creative writing focusing on morality tales and norms.

True, though a lot of the babble is poliitical propaganda too.

Don’t you mean it’s “incoherent “?


Seems like you are just starting to touch on the subject. Here's a humorous video that will cover the subject well and gives handy references,

"Quiz Show (bible contradictions) by nonstampcollector.

There are a lot of different Genesis stories from many different peoples. Most have contradictions, and few (except maybe "The Big Bang" theory) defy the laws of physics. One of my favorite is when Obatala, the wisdom father of the African diaspora, makes the world with the help of a scratching chicken. These are ways that different peoples thought about and understood the world in their times. There is a lot to learn from these stories, but you don't need to believe them literally. Trick is - not to throw out the cultural understanding with the bath water.

TO_BY Level 7 May 17, 2020

Err... The bible said god doesn't know everything... god buggered off, snake made man eat fruit. God comes back and says," Where are you?" Because they were hiding, and "Who told you that you were naked?"... My favourite part of the bible is the last supper... Jesus walks in, strips off, lies down with his disciples, gets up, washes their "feet" and turns around and says, "Love one another as I have loved you."... The bible says Jesus was a polyamorous homosexual...but everyone just takes that bit with a grain of salt...

It was said in genesis that he was omnipitent, Omniscent, and Pure of Morality (especially the latter.)

The fact that he is angered by the jews several times in the bible and proceeds to take his rage out on the egyptians and nubians for not believing in a god that hadnot made his presence to them in any way, shape or form disproves two more. The fact that he couldn't or wouldn't hide the tree of knowledge from adam and eve (which was his fault, by the way. He should havehad some alarms, lol) disproves even more.


Ya think?


He created the Earth in 7 days and you are talking about breaking the laws of physics?

How long is a day to god (be it sentient or not). Measurement of time is a construct of man, that is irrelevant and demeans our existence. We exist for an instant, everything else is an echo of a memory of the past, or a dream for the future.

@Dreegle Uh... Yeah... okay...


I've read that book from beginning to end three times. Yes, the contradictions, atrocities and more are all in it. One of the big philosophical parts of that book is its statement that its deist is omnipresent and so if it is it is inside Satan/Lucifer/Devil and also in the places that science uses that include asteroids, meteorites, comets, suns, moons, galaxies, empty space and more.


Unicorn of biblical text really exist.

The Indian rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), also called the greater one-horned rhinoceros and great Indian rhinoceros, is a rhinoceros species native to the Indian subcontinent. It is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, as populations are fragmented and restricted to less than 20,000 km2 (7,700 sq mi). Moreover, the extent and quality of the rhino's most important habitat, alluvial grassland and riverine forest, is considered to be in decline due to human and livestock encroachment. As of 2008, a total of 2,575 mature individuals were estimated to live in the wild.[1] wikipedia

Word Level 8 Oct 17, 2019

Gravitational time dilation is a physics concept about changes in the passage of time, caused by general relativity. A clock in outer space moves more quickly than a clock on Earth. Heavy things like planets create a gravitational field that slows down time nearby. This means that a clock on a spaceship far away from any planet would move faster than a clock near Earth. Wikipedia

Time dilation is a possible explination of one observer observing the creation event while at time dilation speed then the speeds merged and a report given of the fast appearing creation story.

Word Level 8 Oct 17, 2019

#1 it is not the tree of knowledge. It is the tree of knowledge of GOOD and EVIL. See this video that explains the eden story as myth, but it explains the genius of the the story.

#2 there us nothing in biblical creation story that I am aware of that says all animals were created spec6as if they are only as they are today.

Word Level 8 Oct 17, 2019
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