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So yesterday my sons mom asked me If I became an atheist so I can do bad things (lol!). I said no. I said I became an aetheist after researching religion and thats where the research led me (I thought she was already aware of this). I explained to her how I was never really a full believer anyway and I just tried to be Christian because thats what my mom wanted. She told me she doesnt really no anyone who doesnt believe in god. I said you probably do but just don't know it. So the next day she would barely speak to me and wouldnt even look me in my eye. I had no Idea she felt so strongly about her faith because she doesnt even go to mass or attend services on sundays. I was bewildered, so I asked her tonight why did she ask me that. She said she watched a video on atheism (which is shocking). I asked what was the subject matter. She went on to explain that some theists was grilling a bunch of teenage atheists about why they didnt believe. I guess he starting proselytizing to them. As she was explaining his rhetoric I said oh thats the watch maker theory. She seemed annoyed. Well she said anyway he got one of the kids to admit he was atheist so he could watch porn lol and most of the other kids changed their mind about their belief in god. I tried to explain to her that the video sounds like religious propraganda and there are instances where the same scenario happens in reverse. She has no interest in hearing opposing view points. I told her people can believe what they want I don't care. She said she just doesnt understand how someone could not believe in god, and I was done with the whole conversation...smh

AlfonseCapone 6 Oct 19

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If it were me, I'd say something along the lines of, "I lack faith because I see no evidence to support the claim for any god, and I haven't come to this position lightly. I live my life with a sincere effort to be a good person — to act with integrity, to help people in need, and to harm no one. You're free to disagree, and I respect your right to have your own views, but when you say you don't understand my position yet refuse to listen to any explanation, I don't feel you're showing me the same respect. You'd rather assume I'm wicked than to accept that I'm a well-intentioned person who merely doesn't see the world through the same lens as you do. If you can't or won't make an effort to understand my perspective, please don't bring this topic up again."

That is an excellent response...Thank you


If they stop dragging them to church before they're able to think they might make better choices. If porn is the measure of atheists then according to porn hub there are a whole lot of atheists in the world!

I agree totally. Religion shouldnt be introduced to kids at such a young age, but I guess its the only way to get people to believe that nonsense...

@AlfonseCapone It was very important in the days of the inquisition when differences in opinion weren't allowed.

Statistics show that the "bible belt" sucks(no pun intended) up more porn than any other area of the U.S.


Just posted this on another post but it works here too. Most people are born into a religion, nominally at least, and for most people the reason for leaving it is lack of evidence, but the motivation for leaving it, is usually moral repugnance at the poor moral values of religion. And since leaving it takes effort and thought, plus has often a real price, I have generally found that sceptics tend to be very moral people.


Some people are uncomfortable actually being in control of their lives.



Sounds like you're an intelligent person. Good to know there are people like you spreading the good non-work haha! Though I doubt she'll change her mind, another perspective can change one eventually. It took me 10 years of hearing athiest arguments to finally come around

I was thinking though, it's amazing how one-dimensional christian arguments are. "You're just an athiest so you can do bad things". Ok, so if you think about that a bit further, that means that a person has such little devotion to their religion that they're willing to throw it away so they can cuss or drink or whatever they're wanting to do. If there is ANY reason someone would leave their religion, and a person actually cares, then they would focus on why that person has gotten away from the beliefs. However, this would mean going through some trouble and wouldnt just be a simple "Checkmate bitches" comeback.

My mother gets so pissed and confused when I point out the other dimensions of arguments she poses. It's so contradictory how they sing of being able to see though they were once blind, but the truth is that they are more blind than ever.

Ive never tried to convert her lol. Im a live n let live kind of person. She brought it up but then was dissapointed when she didn't get the reply she wanted lol...

My parents both identify as Christian, my brother is atheist and I’m agnostic. Honestly my mother was more bothered about my choice to not bear children than my lack of religion! Families!


You could remind her that Hitler was a Christian (Catholic) and the church has never excommunicated him.

And follow up with the current epidemic of Clergy molesting children.

I just don't think it would register unfortunately...


If they had the gift of reason they would not believe. They don't, so they do.


That's not how belief works. If someone offered me a billion dollars to believe the moon was made of green cheese, I still couldn't do it. It shows an incredible ignorance of human psychology (and therefore self-awareness too) to even entertain the idea that I could.

I bet I could pretend well enough to get the money, though.

@UpsideDownAgain Oh yeah, I could pretend nearly anything for that kind of cash.


I have never thought of that one. And here’s me thinking I’m just an arrogant narcissist.

I clearly question doctrine of all sorts because I’m a confrontational egotistical arse.

Well, that’s that cleared up then!


For reasons like this, I prefer to not speak to anyone that has some sort of faith. Whether be extremist or not. I hope you find better people to talk to and hang out with.


Religious people do not think. I've heard them say that we non-believers are probably off somewhere taking logic and reasoning classes. Then they laugh. They think they have the answers because we admit that we do not have, and their book told them that they do.

Logic n reasoning classes lol. That's actually pretty funny...


There are 8 billion people on earth believing in hundreds of gods, (they ALL say their god is the only true god)...when you understand why you don't believe in any of the other gods, (which makes you an atheist also) you will understand why I don't believe in YOUR god.

Leetx Level 7 Oct 19, 2019

This explains a lot about the confusion that exists in the heads of believers that to not have a belief in god makes us immoral. It’s because they are fed a diet of lies about us, and keeping them ignorant of the facts is the modus operandi of our detractors.


It tends to be the reverse.


Becoming an atheist so you can do bad things ?

Absolutely. I never did anything bad when I considered myself a xtian. Now I get to rape and murder with impunity!


So sorry to hear that that happened with someone who was a friend. I suspect that a lot of us have been in similar situations, I have, but we argued about another issue.
If your friend is so entrenched in the church and blinkered to the extent that she loses your friendship it’s a shame; but there’s a limit to what you can do isn’t there. 🙁


you might ask her what bad things she thinks you're doing, since you're allowed.

you might ask her if she knows any believers who do bad things, even though they're not allowed.

you might ask her whether she has ever seen a video that she didn't believe was real, and what made her think the one she just watched isn't just actors performing from a script. ask her how she can tell.

if you're really industrious you could find a video that shows her a different point of view, but that's tricky; it could backfire.


I guess watching porn is bad lol. She would most likely refuse to watch any video with an oppising viewpoint to christianity...sadly

@AlfonseCapone The whole don't believe in god so you can watch porn falicy of course makes no sense. The fact that the Christian Corporations worldwide has been raping children for ever.. with just barely the last 100 years actually being counted.

I swear the Christian Corporation's PR campaign and fucking amazing to consistently side step and pay off victims while they pull in 100 of trillions of dollars worldwide and yet still make a profit.


@AlfonseCapone i could have sworn i answered this already but i can't find my post. i'll try again: i don't suppose it would help to show her stats about how christians watch more porn than anyone else?


@genessa Probably not. Shes an adult. Shes old enough to know sex is natural. Im not going to even entertain her foolishness. Shes Catholic so you know they have that old guilt thing...

@genessa, @RobertFoley Yes their PR campaign works atonishingly well...


Someone once asked me "If you don't believe in god, what book guides you to be a good person?" and I told him I don't need a book. I have a moral compass.

Sounds like the indoctrination is complete with your daughter. This must be difficult for you.

She my childs mother, but I have some hope for my son....


stupidity cannot be cured.


Sad state of affairs, condolences

bobwjr Level 10 Oct 19, 2019

Religiously intoxicated person gets angry at logic. Familiar story...


Sounds fun...not.


Many people simply do not 'want' to change their beliefs or even ask questions. It seem she is on a track and you have planted a seed.

Im starting to suspect the same.


In a nutshell, just become a good human being. Having faith is not bad if you can pick the good and apply it to life while leaving out the bad. There are great human beings in religion and outside religion. Not either side can stake a claim to superiority or being a better human being. It is incorrect to say for atheists that leaving religion is not being ignorant any more just like religious to say that leaving religion is becoming immoral.

The approach is very simple. Be a good human being.

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